Dark rumours of a great unravelling swirl throughout the multiverse. None can pinpoint exactly what is happening, but the great thinkers of Faerûn are convinced that something wicked this way comes.

The archmage Zandeyr, never one for exaggeration, warns of an impending darkness, and emerging prodigy Eearwaxx Ravenfire concurs. Formidable soothsayer Madam Portencia, now in her latterdays, has announced that a momentous inflection point lies ahead—a crossroads, she declares ominously.

From Barovia whispers of unrest abound, and in the Nine Hells—still reeling from the ascension of Zariel and subsequent civil war—terrifying tales of the return of the Queen of Dragons abound. Even the merchants are restless, great smiths like Garn Felder in high demand as hellforged goliaths from the frozen north commission new weapons for the coming storm.

In the far East the Jakkari call upon the most blessed Aziz Morad for answers, but he answers not. And in Baldur’s Gate, the second-story workers gathered in the Howling Harpy deliver reports of powerful cultists that bring pause to their Guildmaster’s spidering plans.

Some even say Stormwatch themselves are reforming for one last ride, though most accept this is wishful thinking at best.

Into this swirling vortex of fear and unrest six heroes step, a gangly group of unlikely saviours, ranging from a hero of the Dragon Wars to a simple man of faith, a traveller from beyond to a humble farmer, and two ill-defined strangers.

As the adventure begins, the company gathers in the city of Neverwinter on the Sword Coast, answering a summons from Lord Protector Dagult Neverember…


Neverwinter, the City of Skilled Hands, stands proudly on the Sword Coast, self-styled Jewel of the North. The city’s multi-coloured-glass lamps, precision water clocks, exquisite jewellery, and magnificent gardens all ensure winters are colourful and summers rich with fruit.

Fifty years ago, the city was nearly destroyed by the eruption of Mount Hotenow. Today, Neverwinter stands mostly rebuilt, renowned for its craftsfolk and gardeners, bustling with skilled tradespeople, intrepid adventurers, and hardy citizens.

Neverwinter is ruled by its Lord Protector, Dagult Neverember. Rising to power through a tenuous claim of descendance from one of Neverwinter’s past heroes, Neverember invested a great deal of his own fortune to rebuild the city’s infrastructure and buy the interest of merchants. Despite his many rivals, he has provided mostly stable leadership and earned the loyalty of his subjects, sullied only by his absence acting as Open Lord of Waterdeep during the War of the Dragon.


It is five years after the Frozen North was freed from the vecna’s spell, and fifteen since Elturel’s rescue. The War of the Dragon has been over for nigh on three decades.


Characters. Characters begin at 10th level. All races and classes from any sourcebook are permissible (within reason).

Character Backgrounds. Your character can be from anywhere in the 5E Multiverse. You should all have some reason to be in Neverwinter as the campaign commences. You don’t have to reside there unless you want to. You’re level 10 which means in power terms you are heroes, though your backgrounds don’t have to be heroic.

Point system. 14 in each of the 6 stats. These can be moved around on a 1 for 1 basis to a maximum of 18 in any stat after racial bonuses.

Flexible racial attributes. You can apply racial bonuses to any attribute rather than those described.

Equipment. Each character starts with:

  • Up to 15,000gp
  • Ground mount of your choice if you wish
  • A modest residence in your home location
  • Magic items: 2 Uncommon Major, 1 Rare Minor, 4 Uncommon Minor (at least two must be consumables), 3 Common Minor

Burgeoning Heroes. Each character gains max HP for first and second level, and starts with one Feat (Variant Humans only get one total).

Death. One level of exhaustion applies on death. Beginning at Level 2 a character can sustain a lingering injury when their health drops to 0 or lower.