From the frozen wastes of the Great White North to the humid jungles of the Serpent Hills: quite a transition. But nothing Stormwatch couldn’t handle.

You bampfed in and found yourself in the rudimentary camp of Boareskyr Bridge, a way station of tents, wagons and caravans, and one Inn. There you met Bolo, female halfling, a barkeep of good cheer and assistance. Warming up with some ales and fresh food, Bolo informed you that she had indeed seem a ‘dwarf in purple robes’, and he was somewhat of a local hero having dispatched a yuan-ti spy only nights before. He had ventured off into the Hills with over a dozen companions, and you set out in hot pursuit — after a night abed.

A epic stone tomb carved into a wall of a mountain

The Tomb of Diderius

You made your way into the Hills, following a fairly easy to follow trail, and soon arrived at your destination: The Tomb of Diderius, and powerful,  ancient, and long dead wizard. A shallow grave revealed several yuan-ti bodies, and two towering stone guardians questioned your intent (and seemed surprisingly satisfied with your answer). What tomb of horrors awaited?

The answer soon revealed itself: traps, traps, and more traps. Luckily you had wisdom, and Marko, on your side.

Avoiding several pitfalls, you arrived in a beautifully tiled room, but before you could admire it too much the  floor came to life and a tiled chimera attacked the party. No threat to dragon-slayers, however.

A puzzling room labelled “SAFE” contained a well, red mushrooms, levers and a basin. Best left alone, but since when did Stormwatch leave stuff alone? Moving water from well to basin didn’t seem to cause any trouble however, but nor did it reveal any secrets. Onwards!

Moving down a narrow corridor, another trap sprung and a huge ball of skeletal bodies started a destructive rampage. Or tried to, but some quick thinking from Bally and his mighty shield diverted its path to save those in the way.

Another trap revealed itself to Marko’s superior skills, and inspiration struck Ash as a humbling prayer opened the grand double doors that blocked your way. You were confronted with a giant clay figure perched atop a resplendent throne. At his feet lay tribute and treasure. Wisely Stormwatch chose to add the same.

Next you met a ghostly librarian, Ilda, clearly adoring of Diderius, but trapped minding an empty room. Her tale touched your hearts and you vowed to free her. Then promptly didn’t.

Moving ever inward, a dining hall was next. Intriguingly, and somewhat terrifyingly, at one table was seated five Bearded Devils. Surprisingly they seemed entirely uninterested in the party. Marko, crazily, engaged them in conversation, and they were civil but still not interested. They did reveal that the door to the south — nailed shut and marked “DANGER” — contained great treasure.

The next room revealed some of what you had been searching for: a divination pool. This was where Varram came in search of the answer to who had stolen the White Dragon Mask. The pool was empty, but there were blood stains and dead dwarven body near the bowl, suggesting some kind of blood sacrifice had been made. Martmaal and Donald wisely decided that filling the pool was a good plan, and (after Jorin released the rockslide between the two rooms) the secret of the well/pump room was revealed.

The pool filled with a dark liquid, flaring with black light, and those staring into it were rendered speechless, grasping at great secrets just beyond your reach. Insanity, but such knowledge. If only.

Finally you reached Diderius’s crypt. A deep forboding warned you not to touch anything, and Ash somehow triggered the voice of Diderius himself. He was clearly impressed that StormWatch had reached this far, and pleased that you had not defiled the tomb in any way. He posed a riddle for you to solve, in order to reveal what you sought.

Somewhat surprisingly you solved it, Donald pointing out the fresco that matched the earlier prayer. Breaking it open, Varram himself fell to the ground, prone but alive.

A dwarf in purple cult regalia

Varram the White

Diderius warned you that leaving now was probably a good idea, and Stormwatch wisely heeded his advice. Jorin threw Varram over his shoulder, and you left the tomb, alive, and, it would seem, victorious: no White Mask to match your Black, but a major cult leader captured. The Council will be pleased.

Complicated winding tomb

Map of The Tomb of Diderius. Buy from Jared Blando here

Session played: 12 June 2017