Having (mostly) convinced the Metallic dragons to join forces with the  allied ‘small’ races, Stormwatch returned once again to Waterdeep.

Still slightly stunned by the dragonic majesty you had just encountered, you decided some rest and recuperation was in order before facing the Council. Jorin remained in deep shock, and you wisely decided to lock him in the basement — one of your own, imprisoned! — to see how he recovered.

Meanwhile: shopping. A bag of holding was acquired via a dealer in the  magical arts, which should make transporting your vast hoards somewhat easier. Orders were also placed for various magical items, and general maintenance of equipment and souls was completed.

You were summoned the following morning to the Council. In advance of the gathering, you tried in vain to get a private audience with King  Melendrach in order to explain the… situation… with his newly dead son. The King, being a King, had better and more Kingly things to do, so you instead prepared the Prince’s body as best you could before heading to the meeting.

You also discovered from Leosin that Galin — the traitorous Elf from Altand — had indeed turned himself in, but he knew not what information had been ‘acquired’ from him by the Emerald Enclave.

A sly looking tiefling with pointed horns

Rian Nightshade

Upon taking your seats, you noticed another new face at the table — a tiefling named Rian Nightshade, introduced as special adviser to Lord  Neverember. Marko paid particular attention to the newcomer throughout the meeting, but was unable to glean a clear reason for her presence.

Lady Silverhand welcomed you again, and again expressed the eternal gratitude of those gathered over your feats in the Misty Forest, word of which had reached Waterdeep. She also explains how the situation has become even more dire during your absence. All signs point to the Cult being on the verge of commencing the summoning of Tiamat.

The landscape of the Sword Coast is burning as a result of the Cult’s all out attacks, and activity around the Well of Dragons has intensified.

Maccath’s study of the captured Black Dragon Mask has revealed the ultimate purpose of the fiendish devices. There are five, and they are to be joined into one all powerful Mask of the Dragon Queen. Once the Mask is assembled, the summoning of Tiamat becomes all but inevitable, given the appropriate fuel and magical control.

The fact you have one Mask will make it more difficult, but Maccath believes that even with four the power  evoked will be enough for the ritual.

Lady Silverhand next asks you to recount your recent actions. Watching the reaction of the King and Delaan Winterhound closely, you unravel the tale of the Misty Forest. As expected the elves remained poker faced, until you reached the moment of the Green Wyrmrider’s death.

The King’s fists clench hard, and his already pale face seems to fade to an even whiter shade. He closely questions you on the events surrounding the death blows, and seems less than satisfied with your answers. You begin to suspect he knows who the rider was, but it is hard to be certain.

You next covered the events from your encounter with the Metallic dragons, most of which is exceptionally well received. Having a force of dragons to join you in the attack on the Well is a great boon indeed, and at least balances the odds somewhat. There were two conditions to be met for this alliance, however.

The first was that all Dragon Masks must be handed over to Ileuthra. The Council stirs at this news, and Taern Hornblade questions you closely over why they might want them. After some discussion it is agreed that this condition can be met — despite the knowledge to be gained from possession of a Mask, they will be safer away from temptation and potential rescue this way. Lady Silverhand notes that there is further news regarding the Blue Mask to be discussed shortly.

The next condition was less likely to be well received, and with some trepidation Martmaal delivered Protanther’s demand: a formal apology from King Melendrach for the ancient wrong that was The Dracorage  Mythal.

The King throws his chair back in fury and slams the table with his fists. ‘NEVER! Why should we apologise for freeing ourselves — and all of your ancestors — from the yoke of Dragon servitude?!’

The rest of the Council is stunned into silence, though Brawnanvil is quick to recover and wryly observe that the King should maybe consider the good of the current inhabitants of the Storm Coast before worrying about ancient enmities.

A heated debate follows, with the Elves making it very clear that an apology was extremely unlikely. Some started to suggest maybe the Elves didn’t have the best interests of the Council at heart. At this point Martmaal played Stormwatch’s ace, in the form of a dead Elvish Prince.

It was a calculated gamble — that the King would not want the identity of his son revealed, and that the rest of the Council didn’t already have this information. King Melendrach froze as you raised the issue of the Green Wyrmspeaker again, and let it be known that the body was in your possession. In Waterdeep no less. Would the King perhaps like the body bought to the Council chamber?

Melandrach was speechless, until Winterhound whispered urgently in his ear. He nodded slowly, and requested an adjournment while he dealt with this matter. The King followed you to Stormwatch headquarters, where he viewed the body of his lost son.

He was incredulous to find it had been beheaded, furious that this meant no resurrection, but also resigned to the fact that you had trapped him with superior politicking. Stormwatch had rolled the dice, and the gods had granted you their favour.

You returned to the Council meeting, where the proud King Melandrach announced to all that he would make the apology. Even Brawnanvil was surprised, and wise enough to realise that any further taunting would not help matters.

The final agenda item was then raised. A high ranking member of the Cult had approached the Council with an offer of defection. Knowing this would be met with scepticism, the defection had been sweetened by an offer too good to refuse: he could also deliver a Blue Dragon Mask.

Lady Silverhand explains to you that the message and detail have all been heavily scrutinised and magically scryed, and it appears to be a legitimate proposal. She knows it sounds like a trap, and that sending anyone could very well result in no one returning. None the less, the Council agrees that obtaining a further Mask is worth the risk. Especially given Stormwatch’s reputation for success.

Marmaal turned, eyebrow raised. You all nod in agreement, except Donald who immediately pulls out a scrap of paper and scrawls a figure on it: 100,000GP. Lady Silverhand glances at it, looks and Donald, smiles, and agrees.

Xonthal’s Tower awaits!

Session played: 28 November 2017