Heroes of Stormwatch —

The final battle against the accursed Dragon Cult approaches.

We know how much you have done to bring us to the cusp of victory, and would offer you weaponry and spellcraft to tip the scales further in our favour. Please advise what you require.

Most crafted magics in the forms of scrolls and potions can be prepared, and whilst access to magically enhanced weaponry and armour is harder to source, we will do our utmost to provide what we can.

Our armies are prepared, and we are ready to fight for the survival of the all that is good in this land.

Together, we shall determine the fate of the Sword Coast.

Signed on behalf of the Council of Waterdeep,

Marshall Ulder Ravenguard Taern “Thunderspells” Hornblade Esq.

After lengthy discussions, the following battle plans were drawn up:

  • The Faerûn forces will assemble at Greenest, where this all begun so many months ago
  • The Arcane Brotherhood will open portals to the battlefield, in the hills directly South of the Well of Dragons. This will give your attack high ground advantage
  • After drawing the Cultist army to the attack point, a further portal will be opened to the North West. This force will be largely Elven archers, who will devastate the backline as it advances South.
  • The Order of the Gauntlet will lead and co-ordinate the attacking forces in the South.
  • The Zhentarim will be responsible for disrupting any Red Wizards deployed in the field.
  • Treants and Griffons will target the Giants on the battlefield
  • Battlefield communications will be managed by the Harpers, communication via Ioun Stones, and Stormwatch will be in the network
  • A contingent of Brawnanvil’s Dwarves, including Brawnanvil himself, will assault the South Eastern entrance, carried there by Dragon. Their main goal will be to deal with the sacrificial prisoners, and clear out the enemy from the volcanic tunnels.
  • Meanwhile Skyreach Castle will approach from the skies to the South East, with the main aim of peeling off as many Chromatic Dragons as possible. Several Metallic Dragons will emerge from Skyreach to take the Chromatics by surprise. This will be the first time the Cultists realise the Metallic Dragons are involved.
  • Shortly afterwards, the bulk of the Metallic Dragons will emerge from the skies and wreak havoc on everyone and everything, mainly engaging any remaining Chromatic Dragons in the well.
  • At the opportune moment, Elia and her closest cohort will fly into the caldera from the North East, with Stormwatch mounted on their backs. This will be a small in-and-out speed run, and Stormwatch will need to make a call as to whether to leap from their mounts into the pit of the volcano, or if too dangerous, to be delivered to the North Eastern tunnel entrance.

After that, only the Gods know what will happen.

Remember: level up. You should all be Level 12 now.
Reminder: Read Maccath’s Tiamat Tome. It contains knowledge. Some good, some bad.