After looting, descaling, and beheading (something Jorin took to with vigor) the dragon carcass, Stormwatch sealed the valuables into the inner chamber, safe from prospective looters, and summoned the portal that would take you to the Metallic Dragons.

Gold and Silver dragons swoop above a party on a rocky outcrop

Metallic Dragons

You emerged into a mountainous landscape, and flinched slight at the sight of multiple dragons circling idly overhead. Elia greeted you, in human form, and welcomed you to the the Nether Mountains.

She explained that the metallic dragons, led by former King of Justice Protanther, were weighing up how best to approach the problem of the cult, and their plans to summon Tiamat. Stormwatch, as a neutral party, were invited here to represent the humanoid factions in the fight, and to convince the dragons that allying with the humanoids was the most likely path to victory.

After a quick rest and clean up — including removing the dragonbone shoulderpads and newly acquired collection of green dragon scales — you headed to the massive natural amphitheater for the Council of Metallic Dragons.

You were greeted by the incredible sight of five mammoth dragons resting in wait. Protanther was the largest, a gold dragon of staggering presence. He welcomed you formally, though it was impossible to judge his attitude.

Next to him was Ileuthra, a male brass dragon who greeted you in a  neutral but inquisitive fashion. Elia has transformed into her true self, a magnificent silver dragon, Otaaryliakkarnos. Next to her sat Nymmurh, bronze in colour, and friendly in nature. Finally there was Tazmikella, a female copper dragon, who you also found hard to judge.

Stormwatch gathered at the centre of the amphitheater and the debate begun.

Each of the five metallic dragons

Council of Metallic Dragons

Protanther made it clear that he was ready to attack now, preferring to stop the cult sooner rather than later, and both Tazmikella and Otaaryliakkarnos agreed — though Tazmikella was willing to consider patience.

As various arguments were presented, you learned that both Ileuthra and Nymmurh judged humanoids worthy of protection and education. After all, they argued, the smaller races chose to be and do good, unlike the metallics who followed Bahamut’s example without question.

Stormwatch soon became fed up with the arrogance of the dragon leaders, as their demands for concession became known. Who were these beasts to question the worth and intent of the humanoid factions — and more  particularly of Stormwatch?

Despite this, you could sense that both  Nymmurh and Otaaryliakkarnos were convinced to ally with you. Protanther on the other hand made it clear he would only consider an alliance if an ancient wrong was rectified: The Dracorage Mythal.

An event from times long past where elvish summoners had tapped into the power of a passing comet to send dragonkind into an animal rage lasting years, the betryal still bore heavily on his and Tazmikella’s minds. Despite feeling this was ancient history, Martmaal grudgingly agreed to request an apology from King Melandrach.

Ileuthra seemed to be coming around, but he held a great fear that the five Dragon Masks were too dangerous to stay in humanoid hands. He requested that all Masks — including the Black mask you had already recovered — be handed over to the Metallic dragons as soon as they were in your possession. It was hard to see fault with this position, and you agreed, and hence gained his support.

Finally, Tazmikella has a specific request. She claimed that Stormwatch was in possession of an item that had been stolen from her hoard, and that she would like it returned. At this, she turned directly to Jorin, and to the sword strapped to his back.

Jorin immediately understood that this was not an option. Hazirawn made that clear. Tazmikella asked again, would he return the sword? Jorin again refused, mounting increasingly heated arguments as to why this couldn’t happen. Tazmikella asked Martmaal why, if Stormwatch professed to represent good and trust, they allowed an weapon of such evil intent to be used?

Clearly shaken, Martmaal used his faith to determine that she spoke true: this was an evil sword. As the tension increased, Ash suddenly dashed behind Jorin and drew Hazirawn from the scabbard, throwing it to Tazmikella’s feet. Jorin immediately responded, hurling into Ash and retaliating with both weapon and magic, and retrieving the sword before anyone could react.

Martmaal, sensing this could rapidly get out of hand, froze Jorin in place with a quickly worded spell, and Bally immediately secured the weapon. Donald stayed well out of range, observing but not committing. Jorin strained at his bond but couldn’t break it as Tazmikella was presented with her stolen goods.

The dragons commented on the endless unpredictability of the smaller races — who could have foreseen this turn of events? None the less Tazmikella was convinced, seeing the actions to both return the sword and protect Jorin as an example of humanoids rising above their petty concerns. So impressed was she that she pushed the sword back to Jorin, offering that he could use it should he see fit.

Fortunately for all, Jorin was still held in place and couldn’t recapture the weapon. This was the final straw for Stormwatch, as you all voiced your disgust at the games being played, and demanded to be returned to Waterdeep.

Stormwatch had won the dragon’s favour, but not your respect. Bally had a quiet word to the now human Elia, suggesting that Jorin should perhaps be recompensed for the torture he had been put through, an argument that didn’t fall on deaf ears. You entered the portal and were returned home to Waterdeep, to collect yourselves and face the Council — and confront the Elvish king with his newly dead son.

Session played: 21 November 2017