Stormwatch awoke to a change in the world. The occasionally heard drone of the Draakhorn had been replaced by a clear and persistent summons that struck dread into the ears of all those listening.

Shrugging off the discomfort, you quickly created the portal back to Waterdeep and stepped through. The familiar surrounds of the council chambers welcomed you, as did the fawning of the goggle eyed staff who were thrilled to see their heroes returned. You cleaned up quickly before being met by Leosin, to whom you gave a quick summary of events.

He was very pleased to hear of the success of your mission, though he also had some bad news to impart. In your absence, Stormwatch’s three story base of operations had been attacked by Cult forces. They made it clear they were searching for the Black Dragon Mask, which thankfully was under heavy magical protection with Maccath. Somewhat perturbed by this news, you agreed to deliver the Blue Mask to Maccath before returning home to assess the damage.

She was surprised and also pleased to see you, and gratefully accepted the new Mask for study. It was encouraging to see the Black Mask in place, and also to note that Maccath appeared committed to the cause of preventing Tiamat’s return.

Soldiers were positioned at each corner of your building, and the damage was sad to see. Charred wood and broken windows told the tale of battle, and the insides of the first floor were wrecked. Sven, your undersecretary, was all apology and had drawn up a rather expensive list of repairs, to the tune of 10,000GP. Donald set immediately about reducing that sum, and also requested a list of potential interns be prepared.

Ash and Bally — an unlikely pairing if ever there was one — left together to enjoy the ‘services’ of Ash’s Special Bath House, an establishment the rest of you decided was best avoided (a decision perhaps regretted the next morning when you saw the wide eyed look on Bally’s face). Jorin took himself off to the local drinking establishment, and spent the evening bathing in attention and regaling all and sundry with tales of epic victory, while everyone else prepared themselves for the meeting ahead.

The following morning you were surprised by an unexpected visitor: Rian Nightshade, the stranger who had stood at Lord Neverember’s side during the Third Council. Rian introduced herself as a representative of the Zhentarim aka The Black Network.

You recalled encountering Jamna Gleamsilver, another delegate from this somewhat secretive organisation, way back on the journey to the Mere of Dead Men, and realised that they had likely been keeping tabs on Stormwatch for some time now. Nice, and also disturbing, to know.

Rian had a proposal: seeing as Stormwatch were now effectively the owners of Xonthal’s Tower — ‘by conquest’, she said — the Zhentarim would like to buy it from you. She was willing to offer 50,000GP immediately. This was a surprise — both the offer and the idea that you ‘owned’ anything — and debate ensued.

Rian hinted that once the Council was underway, chances were the offer would no longer be available due to the Council themselves taking ownership by default. She even sweetened the deal with an offer to pay for repairs on your establishment. In the end though you turned her down, pending what happened during the Council.

The Fourth Council of Waterdeep

The Council once again welcomed you as returning heroes, and listened closely as you summarised events in Xonthal. The clearing of the Tower and retrieval of the Blue Dragon Mask was applauded, however Lady Silverhand raised the issue of what happened at Xonthal’s Village.

The Council had received the strongly worded complaint about Stormwatch bringing destruction to their peaceful life, and wondered what your position on this was. Jorin immediately leapt your defence, in somewhat impolitic language, before Martmaal calmed the situation by explaining Stormwatch’s actions and reasoning that by defeating the Dragon a greater harm had been much reduced — added to which was the fact that Stormwatch were only there at the Council’s bidding. None the less, Martmaal made it clear that you understood the reaction of the Mayor.

Silverhand was impressed by this admission, and agreed that no blame could be placed on Stormwatch. The Council’s recommendation however was that Xonthal’s Tower should be granted to the Village for caretaking (pending a thorough cleansing and magical scouring).

This caused immediate consternation — hadn’t Rian just told you you owned the Tower? Marko and Donald were quick to suggest that this might be the case, and you could sense the Council’s dismay that this might be open for debate. Onthar Frume, your Dwarf friend from the Order of the Gauntlet, suggested in stern terms that Stormwatch had been paid handsomely for a job, and that job was complete, and that Stormwatch should be careful about taking liberties not theirs to take.

Donald made the very good point that the contract was boilerplate and that as such the ownership of any said property could be determined through official legal channels. As temperatures rose, Martmaal and Silverhand again calmed things down and agreed that now was not the time for this debate.

Ash asked the Council for advice on how it was possible that the Cult could so quickly have arrived at the Village after the assault on the Tower — perhaps suggesting a leak or double agent in the Council chambers. Thunderspells was quick to jump in and advise that such instant travel and communication was nothing particularly out of the ordinary, and the fact that a coordinated attack on both Xonthal’s Village and your home base suggested that the Cult knew what was happening in the Tower and seized the opportunity.

Maccath was invited to step forward and relay her findings on the new Mask. Her unhappy look took you by surprise, and her words even moreso: “The Mask is a fake.” Gasps were heard from some of the Council, and she held the Mask in her hand for a moment, before dropping it to the floor. “It’s a very good fake, and ensorcelled with magic, but it’s a fake none-the-less. We should assume the Cult is in possession of the real thing.”

This news was grim indeed. (Not merely because, as Donald was quick to conclude, this might mean your 100,000GP payment was at risk). The Cult now held all but one of the five masks. And Marko now held a fake.

Remallia Heventree next addressed the Council, advising on the reconnaissance the Harpers had undertaken of the Well of Dragons (with the well paid assistance of the Zhentarim). She presented an aerial map of the area which showed the caldera of a huge extinct volcano.

The Well of Dragons had long been a place Dragons would go to die, and was covered in the bones of dead and ancient Dragonkind. A strange five starred clearing had been made during Severin’s reign over the Cult, though its purpose was unclear.

She advised that there were several entrances to the crater, all heavily trafficked. Movement up to the entrances to the mountain was relatively easy for a well disguised group, but getting into the crater itself was very difficult, with the Cult having a complex and rotating system of pass-phrases and hand signals. Overhead, hundreds of Chromatic Dragons circle the Well, making aerial approach nigh impossible.

Thunderspells and Maccath joined in with the advice that the summoning ritual had five phases, of which three were complete: raising a hoard, raising a horde, and raising hundreds of prisoners to be sacrificed. Stormwatch’s interference had frustrated and slowed Severin — particularly the taking of Skyreach Castle — but he was now ready for the final stages: raising Tiamat’s Temple, and opening the portal to the Nine Hells to summon the Queen herself.

Silverhand declared the time for a vote was nigh. Would this Council unite go to war against Severin and his Cult, and if they would, what forces would they commit.

Frume was first to stand forth, and passionately support the battle to come. The Order of the Gauntlet would provide the toughest and most steadfast troops of the Sword Coast, and lead the assaults.

Brawnanvil slammed his hammer to the ground and declared the Dwarfs were ready. The Lord’s Alliance Army too stood ready. Ravenguard (Baldur’s Gate), Neverember (Neverwinter), Thunderspells (Silverymoon), and Isteval (Daggerford) all declared their allegiance to the cause. Ravenguard also declared that the Giants would bring Skyreach to the fight — something cheered by most (though slightly frowned upon by Brawnanvil — old grudges die hard).

Nightshade pledged the Zhentarim (and thanked the Council for the retainer), and the Haventree’s Harpers too stood by, ready to fight. Maccath confirmed the Arcane Brotherhood’s involvement, which will help greatly against the Red Wizards. Elia’s Dragons too were committed — something, along with Skyreach, that should take the Cult by surprise.

The final Councillor to speak was Melandrach. As all eyes turned to the Elvish King, he slowly looked up and stared at Stormwatch, before declaring that they too would fight. Winterhound elaborated that the elves would also bring griffon and treant allies.

Relief flooded the room as the final piece was confirmed. Silverhand turned to Stormwatch, and asked that you lead the assault into the Well. Faerûn’s best and only hope was to disrupt the summoning ritual, and only a small force could hope to accomplish that by infiltrating the caldera.

Frume and the Alliance could plan the major assaults, but all efforts would be in support of Stormwatch getting in and creating the kind of havoc they have become renown for. Tell them what you need, and when, and it will be done. Martmaal accepted.

War was afoot.

Session played: 10 April 2018