With the Elvish dragon rider dead, Stormwatch ventured further into the lair.

In an attached antechamber, you discovered a diary which revealed the somewhat shocking news that your dead elf was the son of King Melandrach, and went by the name Neronvain. The King had only mentioned Prince Alagarthas to you, so it will be interesting to see the King’s reaction to your discovery — and to his son’s death. Some discussion about what to do with the body ensued, with Martmaal suggesting that perhaps resurrecting the dead Prince would be wise.

Elven Prince in purple cult regalia


From the diary you also determined that the Green Dragon Mask is safely ensconced at the Well of Dragons, under Severin’s protection and ready to be ‘assembled’ — whatever that means.

One door remained, and it opened to reveal a massive chamber with a 60ft vaulted ceiling. It disappeared into darkness at the far reaches of your sight. And soon after opening, a booming voice filled the room and enquired if you intended to venture any further in, for the speaker was more than ready to make your acquaintance.

This was not an invitation you were ready to accept, and Marko speedily chocked the doorway closed to prevent access. It was decided that rest was required to recover and prepare for what appeared to be another draconic foe.

Unfortunately for Stormwatch, the Dragon didn’t seem to think that rest and recovery were things you deserved, and he proceeded to make it impossible for you to gather your wits or strength. He interrupted your attempts with first noise, then Ettin allies (one of whom wore a massive jewelled belt that Donald was quick to assume responsibility for), then a flood of spiders. Withdrawing further into the lair to try and create some peace, you were then confronted by a plague of rats.

It seemed that you were doomed to exhaustion before Martmaal came up with the brilliant plan to wall off a dead end section of the dungeon via spellcraft. This at last gave you the chance to recuperate, and the following ‘morning’ to develop a plan of dragon attack.

The morning also brought the unexpected sight of Jorin suddenly beheading the elvish body with Hazirawn, justifying it on the grounds that ‘it was the right thing’. No one seemed to know quite how to react to that.

The Battle

After thoroughly exploring the (now empty) caves, you determined that the pool in the entrance hall was likely connected to the Dragon’s lair, and thus was the means of entrance and egress. After Arauthator’s escape, you were determined this new foe should not get away, and Martmaal prepared a spell of water wielding that would keep the Dragon from using that path, at least temporarily.

A plan was developed for the assault, and you returned to the chocked door. After carefully unblocking it, and being blessed by Martmaal with wisdom and fiery fists, the battle commenced.

Bally and Jorin burst forth, spreading out to different corners and throwing handfuls of light stones into the darkness, while Ash rolled Marko’s ingenious oil filled barrel. With the room now lit you could finally see… nothing. The room was empty, and no beast clung to the ceiling.

Warily you moved further into the room, catching a glimpse of a small hoard of pillaged treasure along the Eastern wall.

An enormous green dragon emerging from a pool of water


After a moment of stillness, you all turned to the pool of water to the West. A handful of light stones was flung over the pool, and as they dropped the Dragon finally made itself known, exploding out of the dark water. The massive shape rose above you with a roar, and blasted a foul and acrid cloud over the room.

You all felt a moment of panic, Martmaal in particular, but at the same time the druidic garlands around your necks glowed with a sudden warmth, and you felt your resolve and courage return.

With a speed you have now come to expect, Ash leapt through the air and landed himself atop the Dragon’s head, grasping firmly and preparing a flurry of attacks. Jorin let out his *Stormwatch* battlecry and carved a deep slash in the Dragon’s exposed belly. Bally entered the fray and efficiently and expertly inflicted further assault on the massive creature, his superior swordplay evident.

The Dragon countered with beats of its massive wings, knocking Martmaal to the ground, and a swipe of its tail impaling Jorin below. Donald and Jorin unleashed rebukes of hellish fire, while Marko emerged from nowhere to pierce the beast with his daggers of fury.

Grasping vines emerged from the ground to attempt to trap you in place, but your determination was now allowing you to overcome such minor inconvenience. Ash’s relentless assault from atop the Dragon was infuriating it, there being no good way for it to counter, and it slashed out in anger with claws and it’s massive jaws on Donald and Bally.

Stormwatch was dealing massive damage to the creature, and despite being greatly wounded, Martmaal saw the opportunity to prevent escape and summoned a grasping field of vines himself to bind the Dragon in place. Unfortunately for all, the Dragon’s control of swamp and dank places allowed it to avoid the trap.

However during the distraction Jorin was able to take advantage and rent a huge wound in the Dragon’s belly. The great beast roared in pain and confusion. It reared up again and a wall of thorns split the room, leaving only Bally and Ash within reach.

It rose above the wall and once again roared out another cone of noxious gas, and such was the venom in its attack that Martmaal fell, unconscious and lifeless. His selfless attempt to trap the creature for Stormwatch had cost him his life, again.

As the walled off party reacted quickly to stabilise Martmaal, the Dragon dove toward the pool, clearly meaning to depart. With one last chance to end this, Ash unleashed a deadly flurry of blows, quicker than the eye could see, and of such force and precision that the mighty Dragon, instead of escaping, fell dead into the pool.

Stormwatch had done it. A second dragon lay dead at your hands. It was scarcely believable.

True to form, as Martmaal groggily returned to life, Jorin and Donald were already discussing fitting green dragon scale codpieces. Stormwatch!


Level up! Everyone should be level 10. Only a small hoard, spoils of recent battles, but some nice loot:

  • 10x50GP gold bars
  • 120 platinum
  • 700 gold
  • 2200 sp
  • Belt of Hill Giant Strength (the Ettin belt)(Str 21)
  • Lesser bracers of archery (+1 attack/+1 damage)
  • Amulet of health (+2)
  • Robe of Bones (wolf skeleton/fast goblin zombie motif)
  • Storm Hammer (+2)

Session played: 21 September 2017