Stormwatch returned triumphant to Waterdeep, atop a flying castle and delivered by Ogre-flown Wyvern. Quite the entrance, and the adulation of the crowd was further enhanced when you revealed the White Dragon skull in all its gory glory.

Leosin met you, and escorted you through the clamouring crowd to a well appointed Inn, where you have run of the first floor. Various administrative tasks were started, ably managed by Donald: banking, real-estate, tailoring, and tannery.

You were summoned to a gathering of the Council of Waterdeep, a gathering of the richest interests and most powerful armies on the Sword Coast. These sometimes fractious factions realise the significance of what the Cult is doing and the potential devastation that Tiamat’s return could cause, and are hence gathering to develop a retaliation strategy.

On your journey to the Council chambers, a strange and sudden sense of foreboding and unease enveloped Waterdeep, silencing the city momentarily. Something in the air. You heard it once more before entering the Council.

At the Council you related the details of your investigations and battles thus far, to general applause. There were some who were unhappy that you had returned the castle to the giants, but overall they were appreciative of your efforts.

The Council determined two possible next phases for pursuit. The first related to the sensation you encountered earlier. It seems that the disquiet was caused by something called the Draakhorn, an ancient  device whose sounding alerts dragons across Faerûn that great events are unfolding.

This information is revealed by a Waterdhavian noble, Lady Silmerhelve. She informs the Council that the last known location of the Draakhorn was in the frozen North, in the Sea of Moving Ice. There a tiefling sorcerer from the Arcane Brotherhood, going by the name of Maccath the Crimson, was known to be searching for dragon lore and the ancient magic stolen from The Hosttower by the white dragon Arauthator — otherwise known as ‘Old White Death’. Maccath hasn’t been heard of for three years.

The second option was to pursue Varram the White, a high ranking Wyrmspeaker from the cult, and known to you courtesy of your dealings with (the late) Talis the White. Harper agents have heard rumours that the White Dragon Mask has been stolen from Varram, and he is urgently seeking to recover it. He has left the safety of the Cult strongholds in order to find the mask, and an ambush or capture opportunity presents itself.

Having aquired a taste for slaying white dragons, and always up for a boat trip, Stormwatch decided that the Draakhorn presented a more compelling case. Preparations began for a journey to the icy seas of the Great White North.

The Council Delegates

Present at the Council are representatives from The Harpers, The Order of the Gauntlet, The Emerald Enclave, and The Lords' Alliance — an organisation of leaders and nobles from all over Faerûn.

Human Paladin in plate armour

Ontharr Frume

Ontharr Frume: Delegate for the Order of the Gauntlet. Human, Paladin. Strong supporter of Stormwatch.

Elf Fighter with a gold headband

Remallia Haventree

Remallia Haventree: Delegate for the Harpers. Elf, Fighter. Supporter of Stormwatch, based on feedback from Leonsin Erlanthar.

Half-Elf in forest armour

Delaan Winterhound

Delaan Winterhound: Delegate for the Emerald Enclave. Half-Elf, Ranger.

The Lords' Alliance

The members of The Lords’ Alliance are as follows:

Human Fighter in ceremonial armour and cape

Lord Dagult Neverember

Lord Dagult Neverember: Open Lord of Waterdeep, Lord Protector of Neverwinter, Leader of the Lords' Alliance. Human, Fighter.

Dwarf Fighter in gold plate armour

Ambassador Connerad Brawnanvil

Ambassador Connerad Brawnanvil: Delegate for the Dwarves of the North, including Citadel Adbar & Citadel Felbarr. Dwarf, Fighter.

Human fighter in polished plate armour

Marhsall Ulder Ravenguard

Marhsall Ulder Ravenguard: Leader of the Flaming Fist, the military might of Baldur’s Gate. Human, Fighter.

Elven Fighter/Druid in ceremonial green armour

King Melandrach

King Melandrach: King of the Misty Forest, delegate for the elves of the Misty Forest & High Forest. Elf, Fighter/Druid.

Human Wizard in blue robes

Taern ‘Thunderspells’ Hornblade

Taern ‘Thunderspells’ Hornblade: Representative for Silverymoon. Human, Wizard.

Human Paladin in ceremonial silver and gold plate armour

Sir Isteval

Sir Isteval: Representative for Daggerford and, oddly, Cormyr (a city directly East of the Well of Dragons, and not part of the Sword Coast). Human, Paladin.

Session played: 8 February 2017