Whilst escorting a wagon train, you happened on an attack on the thriving merchant town of Greenest in the Greenfields. Spot fires were burning, and a huge Blue Dragon launched a swooping assault on a central keep before flying off out of sight. Sensing an opportunity to promote Stormwatch’s prowess, you decided to sally forth into the thick of the action.

A blue dragon swoops down on the town of Greenest


Approaching the town you found it being sacked by a mixture of kobolds, sell-swords, and mysteriously garbed cultists. After slaughtering a few kobolds — including Balthazar’s first ‘unsimulated’ kill — you rescued a family and made it to the safety of the keep, just as the dragon returned for another pass.

You were welcomed — and warmly thanked — by Greenest Govenor, Tarbaw Nighthill. Together with his Dwarven Castellan, Escobert the Red, they pleaded with you to attempt a rescue of citizens stranded in the temple to Chauntea. Oh, and a prisoner for grilling would be helpful.

These tasks you heroically completed, returning to the keep with citizenry mostly intact and a prisoner bound up in the Grapple Of The Century. Soon after the dragon launched what turned out to be a final attack, charcoaling some guards in the process.

The dragon seemed to have been summoned by a powerful looking woman dressed in purple robes and wielding an ornate halberd. As the dragon retreated, so too did the marauding hordes. Of note amongst the retreating forces was a bound and gagged figure surrounded by a larger group of guards, however no-one seemed to know who that could have been — certainly it was not one of the townsfolk.

Half-dragon in purple cult regalia

Langdedrosa Cyanwrath

Before safety could be declared, a terrifying draconic figure stepped forward into the half light, challenging a hero to single combat in exchange for a family he had captured. The half-dragon introduced himself as Langdedrosa Cyanwrath, and promised an honourable fight — but any hint of skullduggery would result in the death of his captives.

Under threat of their certain demise, Jorin stepped forward to fight. It was an epic battle, and for more than a moment Jorin seemed to have the better of his fearsome foe. But alas it was not to be. Cyanwrath was as good as his word however, and freed the family before vanishing into the darkness.

Governor Nighthill welcomed you into the keep for the third time as true heroes of Greenest, and there was much celebration of your feats, and of the lifting of the siege. Stormwatch has started to establish a name for itself!

Map of Greenest

Map of Greenest. Buy the map from Jared Blando here


  • Jorin has Inspiration for the next session thanks to his selfless sacrifice
  • Nighthill rewards you with 100gp each, handily intercepted by Donald who purses it quickly
  • You have a prisoner awaiting interrogation
  • You are all promoted to level two — don’t forget to do that!

Session played: September 22, 2015