Tyranny of Dragons
Episode Two: The Cultist Camp
A daring rescue is attemptedHaving saved Greenest from pillage, and fighting off the blue half-dragon champion Langdedrosa Cyanwrath, Stormwatch agreed to reconnoitre the raider camp at the request of Governor Nighthill. 250gp apiece helped sway the deal. A young monk also pleaded with you to attempt a rescue of his captured master, the half-elf monk Leosin Erlanthar.
Tracking the raiders proved relatively straightforward, and you were soon winding through ravines south of Greenest. A dawdling group of raiders was quickly dispatched, and a route along the high ravine ledges allowed you to avoid a group of well positioned ambushers.
Arriving at the camp revealed a scene of relaxed and celebrating raiders. Upward of 200 kobolds and humanoid raiders were enjoying a the spoils of a successful raid. At the back of the camp a dark cave mouth opened, and loot was being transferred inside from several wagons. A larger tent stood nearby, guarded by several drakes and hefty looking guards who were not participating in the general partying. Confidence was high that this was the tent the monk was being held in.
Deciding against taking advantage of the camp’s carnival atmosphere, the group settled in to study the best approach. As night fell, you saw a group of hunters returning with carcasses that were distributed half to the cave, and half to the camp. Of more note was a group of bedraggled prisoners being led into a tent on the eastern side of the camp. And perhaps most interesting of all was the emergence from the neighbouring tent of the purple-clad dragon-controlling human Frulam Mondath, who made her way back the central tent.

Frulam Mondath
A plan was formulated to investigate the prisoners, and try and figure out a way to get to the monk. Marko, Donald, and Ash descended the escarpment and made their way through the camp. Donald took on the appearance of a dragon-cult acolyte, which proved to be an inspired move as the infiltration developed. Some fast talking managed to reduce the prisoner guards to two — the promise of fresh cooked meat proving too much of a temptation for the rest. Marko snuck around the back and discovered 8 prisoners in one tent, and also Erlanthar tied up on his own in the other — with a personal guard. He looked much the worse for wear, having clearly been tortured and staked.

Erlanthar captured
Out front, Ash and Donald taunted the guards into a ‘friendly’ rumble, and Ash seized the opportunity to quickly dispatch one guard, but the other proved too much for either he or Donald to handle. A ruckus began as the guard screamed for help — drawing the attention of the two returning guards. The injured guard was finished off by Ash as they approached — when suddenly Ash himself was ‘felled’ by a hefty blow from Donald’s axe. Donald explained to the perplexed guards that no-one was dead, despite the blood and lack of movement, that it was all a misunderstanding, and anyway the monkey-boy was unconscious so nothing to worry about.
Meanwhile inside the tent, Marko one-shot the guard with an arrow through the eye socket, freed the extremely weak Erlanthar from his bonds, and retreated into the darkness. Back out front, the guards were increasingly suspicious — those bodies sure looked dead, and why wasn’t the guard in the tent responding to their hails? Just as things were looking precarious, the cavalry arrived in the form of Martmaal and Jorin, who tackled one guard into the tent and made quick work of him — as did Donald and the miraculously revived Ash to the other.
The 8 remaining prisoners were hustled out of the tent to join Marko at the foot of the cliff. More quick thinking from Donald managed to trap another guard who approached (once again finished off by the lethal Ash), and finally the situation seemed mostly under control. The freed captives were led — or hauled — up the escarpment and preparations were quickly made to leave.
Donald and Ash had other ideas and decided a quick look inside the cave was called for. Unfortunately that idea was stymied when a guard drake and scary guard guy made it quite clear that they weren’t welcome anywhere near it. At the same time, a group of patrolling guards converged on the prisoners tent, and quickly realised Something Was Up.
As Donald and Ash rejoined the group, and camp started to go into high alert as the subterfuge was uncovered. Amazingly the escape was drama-less, the escarpment and local knowledge of a Greenest prisoner giving you just enough advantage over the pursuit. Success!
Back in Greenest you are welcomed again as heroes, the Stormwatch legend growing even greater amongst the town. Nighthill offers you your reward, and the keys to the city, which led to a night of much celebrating.
Erlanthar debriefed you the next morning, describing how he had been tracking the raiders for months. He had attempted to infiltrate them before being recognised and captured. He talked of Rezmir the black half-dragon, who is the leader of these raiders and established the camp. Mondath and her right-hand Cyanwrath ran the raids and camp operations.

Leosin Erlanthar
The cult is serious business, and are raising a hoard as part of the rituals to return Tiamat to this realm. He’s unsure of how far they have got along this path, but knows enough to be very worried. He understands that the cult are attempting to hatch several black dragon eggs in the cave at the camp. He asks to contract you to return to the site and observe and obtain as much information as you can about the raiders next moves: Where are they raiding next, any major troop movements, and most particularly anything of note removed or taken into that cave. He knows it’s a big ask, but stresses the importance and the rewards — 160gp each, plus the promise of more work should the mission be a success.
You agree, and after a day of preparation a return is made to the camp — which is now abandoned! All that remains are empty tents and mounds of worthless trash. Four hunters are skinning and preparing their kills, and whilst not particularly forthcoming, do give you the information that whilst the majority left in a rush on the night of the prisoner’s rescue, there are still some remaining in the caves.
You warily approach the forbidding entrance, and Marko takes a peek inside. A black clad human stands in the darkness, wearing a dragon helm and wielding a glinting scimitar. This isn’t going to be easy.

Map of the Raider Camp. Buy the map from Jared Blando here
- you each earned 250gp from Nighthill
- Jorin has squandered his advantage, but Donald now has it thanks to his innovative handling of the guard situation
Session played: October 8, 2015