A stone castle rises out of the swamp

Castle Naerytar

Stormwatch’s new ally Snapjaw led you into the towering Castle Naerytar, managing to persuade the Bullywug guards that you were a bunch of fresh Cultists. He convened a meeting of Lizardfolk, where together you convinced them the time for rebellion against the hated frog people was due. They were most concerned about putting an end to the reign of the accursed Pharblex Spattergoo, leader of the Bullywug and murderer of the Lizardfolk leader.

A Bullywug wearing a crocodile head crown

Pharblex Spattergoo

A plan was hatched: lower the portcullis to stop reinforcements arriving, and slaughter any Bullywug’s inside the castle. Any human cultists would also be dealt with, though that information was withheld from the Lizardfolk.

The Slaughter

Come dusk the plan was put into action, and the party split to their respective duties.

Martmaal cleverly silenced the warning drums, but the portcullis team soon realised that lowering it was going to take brute force, and Martmaal and Bally proceeded to make a complete meal of that task, spending the entire attack failing to drop the portcullis more than 6 feed. Even recruiting a Bullywug to the task didn’t help. Their final effort managed to jam the portcullis permanently open, not closed.

Downstairs, Jorin and the Lizardfolk took care of the Bullywug resistance, though Jorin did spend some time half eaten by a giant frog. Luckily for all, the Bullywug freed by Martmaal and Bally decided not to raise the alarm, having witnessed the destruction being wrought.

Meanwhile back in the compound, the Lizardfolk, led by Snapjaw, entered the Bullywug barracks and didn’t leave until every last one was dead. A charnel house, but no Pharblex.

While the slaughter was underway, Marko and Donald managed to talk down some cultists who poked their heads out to see what was going on. Unfortunately — or fortunately — the same could not be said for Ash, who when confronted by cultist reinforcements, decided that death became them. The Lizardfolk were less sure, but inspired by Ash’s heroics, they followed suit and made short work of the cult fighters.

The Clean Up

Having cleared the bulk of the survivors out of the way, Stormwatch ventured into the Cultist library/temple. There they met little in the way of resistance, other than a challenging wardrobe which exploded with acidic precision.

The chambers turned out to belong to the half-dragon Rezmir, and amongst the papers Donald was clever enough to uncover some kind of diagram of a portal and keyword: Draezir. What could it be?

Venturing back to the castle’s main tower, Stormwatch found Snapjaw in deep negotiation with a bunch of fellow Lizardfolk who had boarded themselves inside. It emerged that the castle ‘ruler’ was inside — the elf Dralmorrer Borngray. He eventually succumbed to a combination of  threat and charm and agreed to guide Stormwatch through the castle, on the condition that his life was spared and he was freed.

A confident eye-patched Elf with blonde hair, wielding a sword

Dralmorrer Borngray

An inspection of the tower revealed a mysterious telescopic contraption that allowed the viewer to see great distances. Currently it was focused on the nearby lair of the black dragon Voaraghamanthar, who is worshipped by the Lizardfolk. Alas a means to change the viewport was beyond the group.

Borngray, who turned out to be a natural tour guide and not at all annoying, led you all into the caverns below the castle where he promised Donald’s portal was to be found. You managed to kill the Bullywug’s found down there, and narrowly avoided a Giant Frog swarm, before Borngray led you to Pharblex’s moist sanctum.

The Bullywug leader was protected by ten of his own, but once again Stormwatch lived up to their name and killed the lot of them. Snapjaw was ecstatic and couldn’t thank you enough for freeing his people from the yoke of the frog people.

The elf led you next to the final spot in the dungeon, a chamber covered in mist which when dissipated revealed a rune covered circle on the floor of the chamber. This was a portal to Graypeak Mountains in the eastern reaches of the Sword Coast.

Borngray revealed this was how the Dragon Hoard was being moved, though he wasn’t sure quite where. Borngray proved to be of some worth, with his spellcasting and entertaining banter, and some consideration was given to perhaps recruiting him to Stormwatch. The Mountains await!

Map of Castle Naerytar - ground floor

Map of Castle Naerytar - ground floor

Map of Castle Naerytar - 2nd floor

Map of Castle Naerytar - 2nd floor

Map of Castle Naerytar - 3rd floor

Map of Castle Naerytar - 3rd floor

Map of Castle Naerytar - dungeon

Map of Castle Naerytar - dungeon


  • A magical dagger with a snake carved handle
  • 2 x potion of healing
  • Potion of etherealness
  • Borngray’s private stash: 200gp, 200sp, 10x100gp gems
  • Pharblex’s loot: 1300gp of garbage gems and silverware
  • Cultist haul: 500sp, 350gp of jewellry

Also: LEVEL UP! Should be level 5, which will give you all a new Class Feature or two, check your class tables.

Reminder: Work out your Skills & Talents & Feats. If you want to RetCon you can, but they’re in stone from now on!

Sessions played: 26 April & 17 May 2016