StormWatch sailed aboard Frostskimmr to the Sea of Moving Ice under the one watchful eye of Lerustah Half-face, knowing a white dragon best known as ‘Old White Death’ awaited, as well as Maccath the Crimson, keeper of Draakhorn lore and more. The team was well equipped for cold weather, and had the foresight to bring along a sheep or two for company. And bribery.

Making landfall on a huge iceberg, you found your way to a small settlement of local ice hunters. They were instinctively distrustful, and challenged you to an honourable duel to determine whether you could stay or leave immediately. Luckily Bally was more than up to the task of defeating Orcaheart, and victory meant assistance was offered.

From talking to Bonecarver, the tribal shaman, you determined that this community was under the thrall of Arauthator, and could never leave the berg for fear of terrible retribution. She however could see another way, should some brave and foolhardy group of adventurers be able to drive the dragon from his lair. Enter Stormwatch!

You descended into the lair of the dragon, hidden below the icy berg surface. Before long you met another group of your arch nemeses, the kobolds. In a strange turn of events, you didn’t slaughter them, instead bargaining, beating them in cards, and convincing them to show you to their leaders: Marfulb and her ice toads.

Marfulb turned out to be an intelligent and deeply educated scholar, maintaining a priceless library of information about both Arauthator and the entire Icy Sea. She listened to your arguments for meeting Maccath and was convinced, sensing Stormwatch also offered a chance for her carefully curated library to reach a larger audience.

Red-skinned Tiefling in red and brown robes

Maccath the Crimson

Maccath was alive, fairly arrogant (given her entrapment), and gave you the unfortunate news that the Draakhorn has been taken some weeks ago  by Cultists. However in better news, she was also willing to assist in removing both Old White Death and his hold over her. To assist, she provided you with two Arrows of Dragon Slaying, a smile, and best wishes.

The Confrontation

Maccath guided you to an entrance that led directly to the lair, and you emerged onto a platform above a lower chamber where a slumbering mass  of dragon could be heard and, terrifyingly, seen. This was indeed a huge beast of lore.

A white dragon attacks hapless adventurers in an icy cave

Arauthator’s lair

A plan was hatched which revolved around drawing the dragon to you, blowing every cooldown in the book, landing two vital bow shots, and (insanely) riding atop the dragon for a killing blow.

And for once, the entire plan seemed to work. Battle was engaged by Jorin’s verbal and physical challenge, Martmaal gave everyone everything he had to keep them alive, Marko did indeed land the two Slayers arrows, Donald seemed to suck the very lifeforce from the dragon’s massive form, and Balthazar’s newfound strength and finesse bought the dragon to the edge of death.

And Ash did indeed become a dragon-rider, attacking from where the beast couldn’t counter. As the battle turned decisively to Stormwatch’s favour, Arauthator finally decided he would withdraw rather than die here to such pitiful foes. He wheeled and dived into the icy waters, unfortunately taking Ash with him. The shock of icy water knocked Ash out cold, but he was  quickly retrieved, and Stormwatch could once again could (almost) call  themselves Dragonslayers.

The Aftermath

Loot was gathered, Maccath was freed from her indenture (complete with the ancient tomes stolen from the Hosttower during the Rage of Dragons), as were the tribal ice hunters, all who pledged to assist Stormwatch should they ever be called upon. Marfulb too was thankful, and vowed to take her great library of knowledge and make it widely available.

Half-face was surprised to see you survive, let alone drive the dragon away. He provided you with a sealed message from the Council of Waterdeep, that requested your urgent attendance in tracking Varram the White, and a teleport scroll to take you to his most recent know location: The Serpent Hills.

You sent Maccath South under Half-face’s care, spoke the words of teleport, and the next page of StormWatch’s legend prepared to begin.

Map of Arauthator's Lair

Map of Arauthator’s Lair. Buy from creator Jared Blando here

Sessions played: 29 March, 2 May, and 11 May 2017