Stormwatch left the tomb in good spirits — you’d captured your mark Varram, and escaped largely unscathed. Prudence dictated that you should return to the safety of Bolo’s tavern at Boareskyr Bridge to recover and attempt to awaken the Dwarf from his seeming-coma.

Those plans quickly changed as you approached the Bridge and spotted dark smoke trails in the sky. Rounding the final bend, you were met by a scene of utter destruction. The camp lay in ruins, structures still smouldering and bodies scattered in the dirt.

There was no sign of life — until you spotted the figure of Bolo strung up on a large tree. As you approached you could see that she still lived, but barely. You drew closer, carefully, when suddenly huge shadows were cast over the party.

Above swooped not one but two Blue dragons, ridden by Dragonwing and Dragonfang cultists who leapt off and seemingly flew to the ground behind you. At the same time a force of 8 Dragonclaw emerged from the forest edge, led by two huge Gladiators. Ash heroically moved to save Bolo from the approaching chaos, drawing her up to the safety of the tree boughs. And then it was on.

The Gladiators started tearing holes in everyone who approached, especially Martmaal who was savaged by huge blows. The Dragonclaw started to fall under your blows, but the Wing and Fang cultists had free reign and smashed you appropriately.

Martmaal summoned a group of holy servants that it seemed would turn  the tide your way. But almost as soon as the appeared they blinked away to nothingness. Martmaal, the leader of StormWatch and your only source of healing, was dead.

Your early confidence — after all, you were dragon slayers! — was soon replaced with a grim determination to survive. Marko immediately moved to stabilise Martmaal, preventing him from going into an unrecoverable spiral. You were now two men down, so the rest of the team stepped up the assault.

Bally was covered in blood and gore as he slashed his way through the enemy. Ash was a dervish of death. Slowly, slowly, the tide started to turn: the Gladiator’s dropped, the Claws were gone, and one-by-one the others fell. Eventually a solitary Dragonwing stood battered and surrounded.

You watched with horror as, with a knowing smile, the Dragonwing suddenly turned toward Bolo and disintegrated her with a magical bolt, before flying 30 feet in the air straight up. One of the dragons swooped down and he leapt to its back. Donald’s fury boiled over at the sight of the callous killing of Bolo, and he used the last ounce of his strength to direct a death bolt at the dragon rider, finally killing him as he rose into the sky.


Martmaal was brought back to consciousness, as Ash created a battlefield warning to those that would attack Stormwatch, staking the bodies of the dead in a gruesome display.

Using the local fishing boats, you moved downstream seeking safety and a way to return to Waterdeep. After a half day of floating, horses approached from the far bank. Thankfully it was your old friend Leosin Erlanthar, come to find you and get you to Waterdeep quickly. The Council was meeting and needed you there.

As you bampfed back, the relief was palpable. Safety, at last. Your base was well progressed, and you had a moment to catch your breath.  Martmaal appeared deeply affected by his near death experience and disappeared for an unspecified task, and Ash also withdrew to a temple to rebalance his Ki — and get some adamantine spurs smithed. Donald did the ledgers, and you all prepared for what was to come next.


None to speak of, but LEVEL UP. You should all be level 9.

Session played: 14 June 2017