Eearwaxx Ravengard

A classic wizard profile in blue robes, staff and spellbooks, and a prodigious beard

Rumours circulate about the Wizard Eerrwaxx Ravenfire, and some say he was born in one of the Ten–Towns. Others believe that his mother was an Elven Princess, and his father was a southern Noble perhaps from Baldur’s Gate. The former, of course, is consistent with his pointed ears and unusual height.

It is said that he found his calling for magic at a very young age and if indeed true he must have renounced the great wealth and his illustrious nobility to learn the arcane arts.

Another rumour is that he was an apprentice to the Archmage Eearl’wixx, as he has mentioned him in casual tones and clearly respected his master, training under his tutelage, renouncing his birthright and taking on a derivation of his name…

It is said by some that he took on his name as part of his prestigious apprenticeship when he relinquished the trappings and accoutrements of his peerage and took a vow of humility and near poverty.

As many will attest, the Wizard has certainly proven himself to be well-read, often seen carrying around one of three mightily tomes that he consults so often. His ability to converse in Celestial, Draconic and Infernal seem to be unmatched in Termalaine, but then again, who would even be able to discourse with such a learned man in the town?

Many a night spent in a local inn or tavern have been filled with interesting anecdotes and quotes, and highlights of Eerrwaxx’s life about experimenting, tinkering, mending, weaving, and reading.

Mage-schooled by his master, he is an ambitious man, with many things to share, often just enough to make listeners of all ages curious about his most prolific magics and his inventions. And of course, always accompanied by his great owl Horseradish, whom he often whispers arcane spells and innermost thoughts to.

Flyer advertising petty wizard services - mending broken things - with a woodblock print of a wizard standing in front of a collapsing castle tower

Octavian Malleus Orichalcum

A black-skinned kobold in a red robe wielding a wooden staff

When a child is born, portents point to their destiny. For many, it might be a good life — for some not so — others lucky, some money, and others of the Heart.

But once in a generation, or many generations, there will come a person, a hero, a Hierophant that has been hinted at in many places: stories, myth, priesthoods. And now that time has crested.

The seventh son of the seventh son, the One Foretold, he who will be Dragon Touched, Fly when He should not, That who will walk above and beyond, DayWalker, MithrilGleaming: The Giant, KingMaker, The Father who should not have Lived…Messiah.

Such is the destiny of Octavian Malleus Orichalcum, though others in his village just scream “Shut up, Ocko” at him — a lot!

Hush Hush…shhhh you are blessed to meet him…He Knows…and this is His story.

Morgan Kurrsk

An androgynous face smiling ever so ominously, with dark wavy hair, shadowed eyes, and red lips

Under the dog star sail
Over the reefs of moonshine
Under the skies of fall
North, north west, the snows of Icewind.

Under the Arctic fire
Over the seas of silence
Hauling on frozen ropes
For all my days remaining
But would north be true?

All colours bleed to red
Asleep on the ocean’s bed
Drifting on empty seas
For all my days remaining

But would north be true?
Why should I?
Why should I cry for you?
Dark angels follow me
Over a godless sea
Mountains of endless falling,
For all my days remaining

What would be true?
Sometimes I see your face,
The stars seem to lose their place
Why must I think of you?
Why must I?
Why should I?
Why should I cry for you?
Why would you want me to?
And what would it mean to say,
That, ‘I loved you in my fashion’?

What would be true?
Why should I?
Why should I cry for you?

Arlington Porter–Bainbridge

A weathered, middle-aged man in a huge fur coat, standing next to his mother who sits, dressed in town finery

Dearest Mother,

I hope this letter finds you well and that Jeffery’s foot is not giving you too much trouble.

Since my last letter, I’ve taken up temporary residence in lively little spot they call Easthaven. There is an inn here that is able to service my needs for both accommodation and a base of operations. My lodgings, though sparse, suit my needs admirably and the inn is, all in all, very homely. In truth Easthaven is one of the better examples of civilisation in these sun forsaken parts. Though the town itself has little to recommend it, the locals are refreshingly diverting and they know a thing or two about keeping the cold at bay.

The weather has still not let up since my arrival and although the hunt is proceeding splendidly, the cold spell has necessitated a brief pause in my pursuit. All is not lost however for the delay has afforded me additional time to study my quarry. Just this last week, or was it the week before, I spoke to a local tracker who though addled by drink and hampered by the meagre nature of his education, has had some little success, doubtless through trial and error, in bringing in small game for the purposes of food. Possessed as he was, of the perspicacity that such men as he so often are, he related to me the observation that in winters past, the White Moose was oft to be found in the few wooded places of the Dale. This insight, though perhaps trivial to my local colleague, intrigued me and this very morning I struck upon a plan of action that will assuredly allow me to finally begin the chase in earnest. Predictably, this plan, though remarkable in its simplicity, will necessitate an approach different to that I had foreseen when I first embarked upon this venture. For this reason I have included here within a list of supplies and equipment that for one reason or another, are not available in the Dale but that are required if I am to seize this new opportunity while it still remains.

Please make arrangements for these items together with a sum of 5000 gold coins for the purposes of compensating bearers etc. to be delivered to me here, in my lodgings at the Wet Trout Inn, Easthaven, at your earliest convenience.

Your loving son,


PS I do hope Bunty is doing well in his endeavours with the Nubari

Tarquin Rose

A square jawed, firm-chested, attractive young man with blonde hair and a neat beard

The Fool’s Path

Fame of infamy? What care I?
It matters not a jot.
For time and tasks shall carry me
Toward I know not what.

My years are few, unlike some.
But youth shall have its day.
The tiller comes for everyone
In truth, we all shall pay.

So take my lead, and walk along
And hold your head up high.
On wings of steel honed for the fight
Out victory is nigh.

We’ll take this tune and sing along
So all shall know our name.
Those joyous fools who tarried here
In infamy and fame.


A sturdy, ruggedly handsome middle-aged man with a sparse greying beard

A brochure advertising Jankx's services: treasure maps, lost goods, proof of romantic liasons