Madam Portencia was grumpy. Before visiting the Frolicking Nymph she wanted a bathrobe, but there were none to be had. She climbed back into her travelling soothsaying outfit - bells, veils, and plenty of red and yellow. And her weasel wrapped around her neck like a living fur.

Spider advised everyone that the bathhouse dress regulations meant only one weapon each - and no combat dress. This was an innocent reconnaissance mission after all. Bili was comfortable with this, taking only his loin-cloth, and Mak looked unfussed knowing he was big enough to take care of himself.

Morad, on the other hand, appeared fully dressed and ready for action: dual scimitars, shield, chainmail. “Morad,” Spider grimaced, “you need to ditch all this, and this. This all needs to go. Just wear clothes and bring a sword.”

“These are my clothes.”

“No, take the armour off.”

“You’ll sink honey,” Madam Portencia smiled.

“We’re going to a bathhouse,” Spider continued.

“Aren’t we going to attack people?”

“No, that’s tonight - for now, just a bath.”

Morad didn’t look like he needed a bath - he was clean shaven and very neat, perhaps there was even a waft of perfume? But he shrugged and returned with less equipment and looking distinctly uncomfortable - removing the armour was like being undressed.

Torman was decked out in full Flaming Fist attire. “Here’s the thing. I don’t need to have a bath. I’m going to do a ‘site inspection’ - which may give you lot a chance to find out what we need to know.” Spider agreed this was an excellent plan.

Travelling to the bathhouse was uneventful, though it was obvious that people were noticing Mak. Spider decided that keeping the big barbarian slightly hidden was probably wise, so he led the crew on a circuitous back route that worked to draw far less attention. “Try and stay low big man - you stand out like a sore thumb.” Bili looked at his thumbs, confused. He patted his puppy, which sat tucked into his loincloth.

The bathhouse, a one-story stuccoed building with stained-glass windows, stood on the edge of Heapside and the Upper City, attracting a well-heeled clientele as a result. Ten-foot tall walls enclosed a large courtyard with trimmed lawns and manicured shrubbery. Several stone fountains stood around the garden, smiling stone nymphs pouring endlessly from jugs into the circular basins. Morad stared at these in amazement: so much water being used for mere decoration? He cautiously ran his hand through the pool of water, eyes wide in child-like wonder. Bili jumped under one of the fountains, splashing water over his sculptural body.

Several bored guards lent against the walls of the main building, obviously waiting for their patrons to return from the baths. Spider took careful note of the position of various white marble benches that might facilitate a late night incursion, before moving to a pair of wooden doors (carved with the titular frolicking nymphs) that led to the baths.

Spider positioned Madam Portencia behind him, and rapped on the door. A handsome human of indistinct gender opened the door and smiled widely and bowed. “Welcome to the Frolicking Nymph bathhouse. My name is Jabaz, how may I be of service?”

“My mistress, Madam Portencia, and her travelling companions - we have all come for a bath. We’d like the works, please,” Spider replied.

“By all means! We, uh, we don’t normally have your… smaller… kind inside the bathhouse? Would you like to wait outside with the other guards?”

Madam Portencia took over. “What was your name again?”

“Jabaz, madam.”

Jabaz! Don’t start with me."

“Madam Portencia, of course you are most welcome - I was talking merely to your servant.”

“Jabaz. We are all coming in for a bath.”

“By all means, but - not the servant and guards, I assume?”

“We are all bathing.”

“Ah. Well,” they said glancing inside, “there may be a surcharge for everyone to come in, this is highly irregular. But - we will clear a bath for your manservants, will that be acceptable?”

“Brilliant,” Madam Portencia confirmed.

Spider bristled. “I may have said ‘mistress’, but that was simply because I introduced her first. We’re old friends. You might have the wrong end of the stick - our cash is as good as anyone’s. So - what’s the surcharge for, again?”

Jabaz looked uncomfortable under Spider’s verbal assault. “Well, as I mentioned, our regular patrons don’t appreciate mixing with those of the more, um, guardly, persuasion? It is merely a 50sp surcharge, I’m sure you understand.” Jabaz backed into the bathhouse and ushered the group inside.

The walls of the pillared chamber within were adorned with frescoes of bathing royalty, and light streamed through the stained-glass creating colourful patterns on the tiles of polished blue marble. Three sunken plunge-pools full of scintillating perfume-scented water were populated by several flabby-fleshed patrons who looked on with interest at the new arrivals - especially Bili and Mak who cut fine figures.

Jabaz apologetically moved the guests from the closest pool to another and called you over. “Please, make yourselves at home, share this bath. Enjoy, and please let me know if there are any special services you would like me or my companion to provide and I’ll be more than happy to do so. "

“What kind of services have you got, then?” Spider enquired.

“Well, we offer a massage service in a private room. My companion, Qurmilah, specialises in oil massage, whereas I concentrate more on, shall we say, a hot massage. We can also shave you down, we have perfumes and oils, whatever is your pleasure we can likely meet it.”

Madam Portencia spoke up. “Hm. Sorry what was your name again?”

“Jabaz, madam.”

“Jabaz. Do you have a private bath, Jabaz?”

“Unfortunately we don’t have a private bath. We do have private rooms for massage? The only way to have a private bath would be to clear the house for an exclusive rental, but as you can imagine that can be quite costly.”

“And what would that take?”

“Well, shall we say, double the fee? Plus a small commission on top of that to compensate for loss of business.”

“I completely understand. Well what about one of these massages? Let us start with that. Do you have a robe?”

“Of course madam! Please, please step into my chamber and prepare. I will be with you momentarily.”

Bili had stripped down to nothing, and was made to feel very welcome by the two overweight white nobles in one of the baths. They engaged with him immediately, admiring his chiseled form whist talking politics and business with gay abandon. Bili could make no sense of most of it, though he did not the names Ravengard and Vanthampur where often raised. It did all seem rather pointless. Perhaps this was ‘gossip’?

Spider rested in his pool in his loincloth, exposing some impressive inkwork on his arms including an HH motif on one bicep. Morad sat on a nearby bench looking overwhelmed. He eventually peeled off one of his boots and dipped a toe in the water, a blush on his face and shiver running down his spine as he did.

Nothing looked out of place in the main chamber, so Spider turned to Mak. “One of us is going to have to go and have a rubdown in the other room. I can go, or you can go.”

“I’ll do it,” Mak intoned. He was led over to the other room by Jabaz, who spoke in glowing terms of the unique experience Mak was about to have. As they walked past the man and woman in the third bath, Mak noticed the man clearly recognised him.

A small woman opened the door and curtsied. Jabaz introduced her. “This is Qurmilah, she offers the speciality of the house, which is an oil massage. Please: enjoy, I know you will.”

“My name is Qurmilah, please come inside. My you are a tall one aren’t you? I will need several pots of oil for this!”

“Who is that man outside?” Mak queried.

“Sir I am not at liberty to discuss such matters. Now, please, let us get started.”

Mak removed his clothing, exposing his rock hard body. Her eyes widened as she ran her hands over his skin. “You are very tightly wound indeed, sir. This will require all of my skills - do you mind if I stand on you to get things underway?”

“Go ahead.” She climbed astride Mak and went to work.

Madam Portencia quickly robed-up, and then carefully studied the room. Everything seemed innocuous enough, with lovely warm light pouring through the stained-glass high on the wall. As she stared up at the sun-like motif, she noticed the central pane of the glass was slightly out of alignment with the rays bursting from it.

Jabaz arrived back in the room. “Now madam, here we are, shall we get started?” At the same moment there was a firm knock at the bathhouse door. “Ah, Madam, I must apologise. One moment, and it will only be a moment, please make yourself as comfortable as you can, I must attend to the door. We are a little understaffed - our owner doesn’t always provide as much as she could.”

“You’re not the owner then?”

“Oh no no, madam. The Vanthampur’s own this establishment, and fine owners they are too,” Jabaz smiled simperingly. They ran out of the room and pulled opened the main doors to find Torman standing there in full Fist regalia. “Ah. The Fist. Are the payments due already?”

“This is another matter,” Torman said sternly.

“Another matter. There’s always another matter isn’t there. Well, we are rather busy, we’ve just had a sudden influx of guests so if you could perhaps return at another time?”

“I’m sorry - please open the door.”

“Yes, well. We wouldn’t keep you out of course…”

Torman walked inside ignoring Jabaz’s pleas, who quickly followed and called out to the bathing guests. “Everybody, please, please, this is just a routine check from the Flaming Fist. You know the Flaming Fist, most loved enforcers, keeping us all safe of course. So please, it won’t be long, stay calm and stay comfortable”

She followed close behind Torman as he wandered the room, focusing in on the man who had recognised Mak after seeing Spider’s nod. Torman leant down close to the man, who drew back in the water. “What is your name?”

“Sir. I must protest!”

Jabaz agreed. “Please sir, these are guests, this is not the time or place!”

“You can speak here, or you can accompany to the watchhouse where you can protest as much as you like.”

The man sighed. “Very well. My name is Hors Legen. What can I help you with?”

“Where have you been for the last 24 hours?”

“Where have I been… Look, I have coin, I can pay you.”

“This is not a shakedown. I am here on Fist business.”

“Is there anything that is not Fist business in these times? What do you need to know?”

Torman continued to keep Jabaz and the other bathers busy, allowing Spider to spring quickly out of his pool and silently pad to the massage room. “Madam P, have you got anything?”

Madam pointed out the suspect stained-glass panel, and hoisted Spider up so he could reach it (unfortunately for Madam P Spider was only wearing a towel). He immediately saw it was some kind of mechanism, and shifted the ‘sun’ into a better position. A secret panel slid open behind Madam Portencia, and a foul sewer-like stench seeped into the room. Spider hopped down and quickly looked behind the panel. A staircase descended twenty feet down to a water filled room. “That’s the ticket,” he smiled.

Madam Portencia coughed as she heard Jabaz approaching, at the same time as Torman started making a racket at the other room. Spider quickly hauled the door closed, as Jabaz was not to be dissuaded this time though they at least knocked before entering. Clearly flustered, Jabaz looked at Spider with horror. “Excuse me sir! What are you doing in here?”

“DON’T QUESTION MY SERVANTS!” Madam Portencia took umbrage. “If I want to speak to my servant than I shall do so!”

“Yes, madam, I understand… your servant? "

“For fooks sake,” Spider pushed past Jabaz. “Get out of my way.”

“Madam I am sorry, there is a Flaming Fist man here, and I am very busy, I beg you…” and Jabaz rushed out again.

“Perhaps this is a bad time. We shall request a refund!” Madam Portencia called after her.

Torman had barged into the other room. Mak lay naked with a woman walking firmly up and down his back, stomping on his back. She looked at Torman and grimaced. “Flaming Fist. We will pay you, but I’m with a client right now as you can plainly see?”

“How long have you been working here?”

“Oh, about a year?”

“And where were you before this?”

“I was at a less salubrious house lower in the city, but was promoted here once people tried my technique. Which you can see I’m practicing right now! Look at this big man - he needs work.”

Mak groaned with pleasure under her ministrations, and Torman smirked. He noticed Spider had finished his work, and thus declared his inspection was complete. “He is a big fella. I’ll leave you to it.” He left the bathhouse, smiling to Jabaz as he left, and positioned himself outside to track the guests as they left. Soon after, the guest who had recognised Mak departed and Torman followed close behind.

Jabaz could finally turn their attention to Madam Portencia, apologising profusely. “Madam, I am now all yours.” As they entered the room, they screwed up their nose at the horrible stench that had been drawn from below.

Madam Portencia noted this. “Yes, it’s disgusting. It’s permeating the room and it is unpleasant, I agree!”

“Once again I find I must apologise. We do occasionally have a small problem with this, despite our best efforts.”

“May I suggest lavender perhaps?”

“Lavender is a fine idea! I have a small potion of it here, let me just…” and she scattered it around the room, obviously painfully aware of the source of the stench.

“Enough. I am in urgent need of shave.”

“Of course Madam. Please - disrobe, and I will shave you were you wish.”

“There is no need for me to disrobe.”

“Ah. So, not a ladies shave?”

“No for god’s sake. A gentlemans shave. Get on with it.”

“Ah. Yes, I didn’t want to say,” Jabaz smiled weakly, pulling down a cutthroat razor and preparing.

Morad meanwhile was in a water trance, almost ecstatic as he rested his feet full in the water. But not as ecstatic as Mak, who came wobbling out of the room, his tree-trunk firm legs a little looser than he was used to. Qurmilah had offered him a ‘full’ service, but Mak had declined, gruffly claiming “You are too small”. To which she recoiled slightly before setting her countenance and rubbing her oiled palms. “Sir, there are other means, just as effective.”


“Very well.” She looked both relieved and disappointed.

Finally everyone’s business was done.

Torman had followed the man to the gates of the Upper City, where he saw him talking to, and being given several coins by, two members of the Watch in Vanthampur livery. The two watchmen went directly back to the bathhouse, waiting until Mak and company departed before following behind.

Spider started leading everyone home, but it didn’t take long to realise that the group was being followed. He directed the rest of the crew down a main street, before doubling back and quickly spotting the two Vanthampur watchmen with their eyes on Mak. And behind them another tail - Torman.

Spider and Torman drew together. “You got eyes on those two there? I was watching them too,” Spider whispered. “I’m going to go up and get the lads off into a side street. If they follow us, I’m going to shiv ‘em”

“That would be…unfortunate.”

“Well do you want Vanthampur’s people following us or not? I didn’t think so. Then that’s the plan.” Torman nodded.

Spider directed the group down a narrow alley, that he knew led to a sharp left turn and dead end. He spoke in low tones. “Ok lads. We’re being followed by two members of the Watch who work for Vanthampur.”

Morad immediately turned around to look, and his eyes were drawn to the two guards. He made eye contact for a beat too long, before turning back to Spider. “You are correct.” Spider groaned. “Just get around this corner. If we don’t lose them, we’re going to kill them. Or at least kill one and question the other.”

Bili licked his lips.

The group ducked into the alley as directed, but the two watchmen weren’t fooled. Torman hurried forward as the Vanthampur’s broke into a jog when the group disappeared around the corner. Everyone drew their weapons and Spider clambered up high above the lane.

Mak and Bili flexed their considerable frames as they rounded the corner, readying themselves for the arrival of the two guards. Morad went right to the end of the dead-end alley, standing with his back to the wall. He was uncomfortable with the plan, seeing a distinct lack of honour in the approaching fight. Madam stood midway, pleased with her barbarian flesh-guard. “Quick and neat, boys.”

Bili took the cue, shuddering and letting out a low growl. His hands grew razor sharp claws and large fangs sprung from his mouth. Morad looked horrified, and even Mak was somewhat surprised. “Werebear…” Morad muttered. “Shhhh” Madam Portencia hushed. “Mak - remember it is your job to keep this one under some kind of control!”

The guards rounded the corner and stopped dead at the sight of the two hulking barbarians. Madam Portencia stepped into the gap and fired a bolt of flaming fire at the closest guard, who fell screaming to the ground, dead before he even hit the dirt. Madam Portencia looked pleased, before quickly yelling out, “Bili don’t kill the other one!”

Mak jumped on the second man, using his sheer size to grapple him to the ground. The watchman didn’t stand a chance, going down under the slab of meat that was Mak. “Mak? What are you doing - get the hell off me!” the guard cried. “I’m one of you! Let me go!”

Mak ignored this as Spider jumped down and crouched next to the victim. He pulled out his knife and placed the point gently in the man’s ear. “You need to calm down, big man.”

The guard froze, dropping his sword as instructed. His eyes - and in fact everyone’s eyes - went wide with terror when Bili jumped down on the charred body next to him and bit with relish into the burnt flesh, chewing down the chunk of flesh he tore free.

Torman charged around the corner and skidded to a stop, horrified to see Bili feeding on the dead guard. He dropped his shoulder and rammed it hard into Bili in an attempt to dislodge him from his meal, but Bili shrugged him off with ease and stood, wiping his lips while blood dropped from his chin.

Torman cried out, “He’s fucking eating someone!”

“Stop it! Stop it both of you! Big man, little man, stop it!” Madam Portencia yelled.

“What are you doing?” Torman growled at Bili.

“He’s dead,” Bili stated simply.

“That’s not the question! I don’t know what you do in your hovel up in the mountain, but we don’t do that in Baldur’s Gate!”

Madam Portencia tried again. “Torman. Torman. We all get over excited from time-to-time. Let’s just let this lie.”

In the back of the dead-end, Morad vomited. “He started eating that man. He was already burned, and you ate him. You are a werebear, a lyncanthrope.”

Madam Portencia leaned down to Spider and pointed to the surviving guard. “This is proably the optimum point to extract information from this individual.”

“The lady has spoken,” Spider said staring into the guard’s eyes. “Start blabbing. Why were you following us?”

“Surely that’s obvious. We were trying to find out why Mak is back - he’s not meant to be here. And more to the point, why are you with them Mak? You’re meant to be with us. The Duke’s not going to be happy - where are you colours?”

“That’s over,” Mak explained.

“You can’t just leave!”

“I have,” Mak elaborated.

“Have you told the Duke?”

“I haven’t,” Mak detailed. “You tell her.”

“I’m going to tell the Duke that you’ve left?” The guard managed to look incredulous even with Mak sitting atop him. “No I’m not going to tell the Duke that you’ve left, because the Duke will then kill me.”

“Good idea,” Mak confirmed.

“Kill me? What have I done?! You’ve killed my mate here - one of your ‘ex’ colleagues I may say - and you’ve got a knife in my ear, and I haven’t done anything wrong!”

“That was my bad,” Madam Portencia apologised.

“Well, Madam, that was your bad, but it’s done now.”

“May I give you a free prophecy?”

“Wait - are you Madam Portencia?” he asked, impressed despite himself. “The Madam Portencia? Well if I could get up… is this going to cost me?”

“No, nothing at all. In fact I think this is going to save you. Give me your hand. You are at a crossroads, my son.”

“A crossroads? I’m not in a crossroads I’m in a lane.”

“So it may seem to you. But from another point of view, you have two paths.”

“One is a dagger in my ear, and the other is the Duke’s dagger in my back?”

“You must choose your own adventure. You can walk away from here…”

“Wait. You’ll let me walk away?” he said, glancing at Spider.

“…and from the Duke.” Madam Portencia finished.

“And from the Duke. Right. So I can be killed here by you, or killed by the Duke when I abandon my duty. Is that my choice?”

“You are very perceptive.”

“You know that the Duke - she’s effectively the Grand Duke. You know that right? She is the power in this city now, and I don’t think you should cross her. And nor shall I.”

“In that case you already know what you should do.”

“Leave? Let me up and I shall. Right now. I won’t even mention that you killed my colleague here.”

Madam Portencia lent down and looked into the man’s eyes for a moment, before standing up and brushing off her trousers. “Oh what a shame.”

“What’s a shame?” the man looked worried.

“That you would lie to me when I have laid it out so clearly.”

Spider took his cue and plunged the dagger into the guard’s head, killing him instantly, much to Morad’s disgust.

Torman stepped in front of the body to protect it from Bili. “I’m really not sure what I’m going to do with you.”

Bili looked confused, “What a waste.”

Spider shook his head. “We’re not doing nothing with him Torman, he’s on our side. To be completely honest, I wouldn’t mind it if bitey here mangled up their faces so we can’t tell who they are. But that’s up to you big man,” he said looking to Bili.

Morad threw up again.

Bili sighed. “I’ll carve them up if you want me to?”

“Great. Chop ‘em up and stuff ‘em in the sewer.”

Bili nodded, and Mak helped drag the bodies to the end of the lane where Bili started to efficiently and dispassionately gut and dismember the body.

Morad walked away. “I didn’t sign up for this.”

Madam Portencia sidled over to Spider. “Spider. We’re, ah, we’re in pretty deep here now.”

“Well. All they know is two guys are missing.”

“And I’m going to need to get paid.”

Spider looked confused. “Everyone’s getting their gold when we get back. After tonight though - we got to go find out what’s going on under that bathhouse first.”

Madam Portencia shook her head. “I’m going to need to get paid when we get back.”

“Well. I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you go and talk to Ma Betts and say you want the money before the job’s done.”

“Maybe I will,” Madam Portencia considered.

“Good luck to you.”

Back at the Howling Harpy everyone sunk several rounds of stiff drinks, and an unwatered juice for Morad, and the debrief begun.

Torman thumped the table. “First thing. We don’t fucking eat people in cities. We’re not supposed to be attracting attention.”

“I didn’t eat them, I killed them,” Bili started, before reconsidering. “Well…I did eat them a little.”

“Why only in cities? No eating!” Morad questioned.

“Apparently where he’s from it is acceptable,” Torman said, “down here it’s not.”

“He is a monster! Lycanthropy - it is a curse!”

“I can’t help but think my fine Southern friend has got a point,” Torman agreed.

“He’s working with the tools he’s been given,” Spider countered.

“He just ate a man in front of us!” Morad protested.

“He didn’t eat a man. He just bit his throat out. I’ve done that!”

Morad turned to Spider. “You’ve…?”

Torman wasn’t having any of this argument. “I’ve seen Bili in combat twice, and he’s eaten the victim twice. I had to stand in front of him to stop him starting on the third one!”

Morad nodded. “He was going to eat him too. First an entree, then the main meal.”

Spider interrupted. “Morad, just so it’s very clear what’s going on here, ok? Vanthampur is not a very nice person. She had someone following us, or following Mak, or both. It’s much better she doesn’t know where we are, because her name’s come up a couple of times with what happened to Elturel, so…”

“That’s all very well Spider, but we can’t draw attention by leaving around corpses,” Torman said.

“Well there’s no corpses.”

“Ha. Well, let’s just nip this in the bud now. No more eating in the city. And when we leave the city we’ll have another conversation!”

Morad was still confused. “You said we’re fighting evil. That boy was not evil.”

Madam Portencia leaned in. “Oh Morad. How long have you been working for god?”

“About six months.”

“Ok. So you’re pretty new to this. Um…”

“What do you mean new? You are either in, or not. God tells you what to do. Not new! God did not mention the eating people! He did not talk about that.”

“Well surely that’s just cultural differences pal,” Spider interjected.

“Evil. Good. Eating people - evil.”

Bili spoke up. “Ever been starving?”

“You were not starving!” Torman said mockingly, “We fed before we left! This is in our rulebook here - you don’t eat people. No more confusion.”

“Just don’t get caught,” Bili suggested helpfully.

“No!” Morad cried. “Not get caught!? That’s not the way it works. He’s telling you: don’t eat people!”

Spider took a long drink. “Look Bili. Can you just do us favour and not savage the people with your teeth and claws while we’re in town?”

Bili sighed. “I can’t guarantee that. But I guarantee I won’t eat them.”

Spider smiled. “There. Surely that’s a compromise we can all live with.”

Torman grudgingly agreed. “I wouldn’t want to be his enemy.”

“Well exactly,” Spider confirmed.

Unfortunately Bili couldn’t resist. “Just a question. Is it swallowing that counts? Or is it just chewing a bit that’s the bad thing?”

Morad stood up and stormed off, “Too much! Too much for me!” Madam Portencia sighed and followed him upstairs.

“Bili, my good friend. You cannot desecrate bodies this way. Hold yourself in check,” Torman insisted.

“So don’t chew and swallow. Ok. I’ve got it now.”

“No! Don’t fall back on your spirit’s instincts.”

“It is not a spirit. It’s animal. Animals kill all the time. Morad wanted to kill those poor wolves back in Elturel.”

“What you do in your own time is your business. But let’s just be clear, there are things you do that are ok when you are at home with your people. Well this is not ok here. When you’re in the city, it’s a bad thing to do.”

“He just stabbed that man in the ear with a knife! Is that ok?” Bili asked.

“Actually, in Baldur’s Gate, that’s fine,” Torman answered, much to everyone’s amusement.

Upstairs Madam Portencia found Morad angrily strapping on his armour and weapons. “Morad. I apologise for disturbing you. I don’t mean to interrupt you if you’re set on leaving. That’s fine.”

“I do not know what to do. I want to fight evil people. I don’t even care if he bites evil people,” Morad said with frustration.

“You’re a Voice, correct?”


“You didn’t expect the path of the righteous to be easy, did you?”

Morad looked down at the floor. “I guess I did not.”

“God will test you in many different ways.”

“Yes. That is true. But the test is normally for me, against the arms of others.”

Madam Portencia nodded. “Yet this is a test for you. A test against a strength that perhaps you don’t have. A test against one of your weaknesses as opposed to a test against one of your strengths.”

“There are some things god say you must do. Some things, you must not do. I find this very difficult. "

“If it wasn’t difficult it wouldn’t be a test.”

“The test is to go and do good against the most evil people. We are not against the most evil people. We are in bathhouses, and he is eating people in alleys.”

“These people are the most evil people,” Madam Portencia corrected. “The people who own the bathhouse, the people in the alley, are the people that brought that city down.”

“Do we know that?”

“I know it. And now you know it.”

Morad sat on the edge of his bed and wrung his hands. “He cannot eat people. That’s a monster. I am a Voice! I cannot be with a monster.”

“Sometimes we must make strange bedfellows, my friend.”

“Even Spider. That is horrible what he did. No honour! We did not even talk about that because of the eating!”

“You must make your own path. But remember: when you walk away from the fight, well I don’t know how your god is going to see that.” Madam Portencia stood up and walked out of the room.

Morad stood up and cried after Madam as she left. “I’m not walking…who’s walking away? I’m not walking away! You walking away!! I’m not walking away. Never walk away! I’ve never walked away!!!”

Madam Portencia smiled as she descended the stairs, Morad’s calls echoing behind her.

Having finally negotiated a truce on the eating of the dead, plans were made for the evening incursion. Madam Portencia called the table to order.

“Alright. Settle down. Gather round and listen up. So the bathhouse is owned by the Duke.”

Spider lit up and pointed at Torman. “See! See!”

“Well that settles it then,” Torman nodded.

Spider rubbed his hands. “So. Basically all we gotta do is get into the place tonight, off anyone who is out the front - because anyone out the front aren’t the regular guard, they’ll all be cultists. So that’s guilt free killing for everybody because they’re cultists who worship the Dead Three.”

“Bili - no eating, no desecration,” Torman warned as Bili opened his mouth.

“But there’s nothing stopping you neckin’ ‘em,” Spider winked.

The plan settled, Spider escorted Madam P to see Ma Betts, who was chopping venison in the kitchen. “You’re back, Spider. And this I assume is Madam Portencia - we haven’t had the pleasure but I’m very pleased to meet you finally.”

“It is my honour too, Ma.”

“And what can I do for you?”

Madam Portencia coughed lightly. “Well. Before this evening, and I don’t mean this as any judgement in terms of trust, but…I need to get paid because I need to go shopping.”

“You need to get paid. You haven’t done the job yet - so you need an advance?”

“If you like, sure. It’s a simple matter, woman-to-woman,” Madam Portencia explained.

“I understand. And what has Spider offered you?”

“Forty gold.”

Ma Betts glanced at Spider and smiled. “Forty gold. And how much would you like now?”


Ma walked over to a barrel and dug her hands inside, pulling out a small pouch of coins. She counted ten into Madam Portencia’s hand. “There it is - ten. And I’ll need eleven in return. Spider - once the job’s done, pay Madam her twenty-nine.” Spider nodded and Madam Portencia smiled weakly.

“Anything else? No? Well - a pleasure doing business. Spider speaks very highly of you - apparently you have some skills you have kept well hidden.”

“Well,” Madam Portencia said brushing down her dress, “discretion is the better part of…discretion.”

Ma Betts laughed as Madam Portencia left the room, “Indeed it is. And Spider - you wanted a word?”

Spider explained the bathhouse discoveries, and the killing of the Vanthampur’s. “Will they be missed?”

“They were following us, and they just won’t turn up.”

“You probably haven’t got long before they are. Why were they following you?”

“They were following Mak.”

“I warned you about that one. So is he with them or against them?”

“No, he’s out. He told them as much before we took care of them.”

“He’s going to be a problem. He’s visible, they’ll notice these two are gone…”

“Let’s just play it by ear. He’s a good man.”

“Very well.”

“The bathhouse is owned by Duke Vanthampur, by the way. Madam P found that out on our visit.”

“That’s very interesting. We’ve had some information that the Cult has been working with the Duke, but we haven’t a lot of evidence. So if you find more, that would be very useful. Nine-fingers will like that a lot. If we can link Vanthampur with the Cult - that gives us a lot of leverage. Find out.”

“Done. Tonight.”

“Good boy.”

Samael, Spider’s huge black and red spider, emerged from the corner and crept into Spider’s hood. Spider rubbed his hands in anticipation, “Come on Sam, you’re coming out tonight.”

Map of a small bathhouse, with a secret door leading downstairs

Map of The Frolicking Nymph bathhouse

Session played: 10 August, 2020