Oh the raven brings us tidings,
Of news both fair and true,
An ancient foe defeated,
Her curse no more to fear,
The Icon reunited,
With those that hold it dear.

Oh the raven brings us tidings,
Of news both fair and true,
An ancient dragon honoured,
Argynvost laid to rest,
His light for all to see,
Barovia thus blessed.

Oh the raven brings us tidings,
Of news both fair and true,
Devil, devil, we defy thee,
Devil, devil, we defy thee,
Devil, devil, we defy thee,
On this day fine and free,
In fair Barovia!

With Argynvostholt cleaned and repaired as best you could, Zane sent his raven to summon the Martikov’s from the Wizard of Wines to meet you at the crossroads. Though not before he also sent it to his lover, bringing Ireena the good news. Her brief reply - ‘Return immediately x’ - was cryptic enough to be interpreted both as a call for help and a promise.

Davian and Elvir met you at midday as arranged, Elvir beside himself with excitement at Argynvost’s beacon and wanting every detail of how you managed it. Davian spoke to you of the surge of hope they too all felt, and how the light seemed like something eternal. Garn agreed, telling all that now was the time to bathe in the light of truth, a different light, to embrace that light that comes to scald and clean. His voice grew more strident as he spoke, and a voice inside his head agreed: ‘Burn it all down’.

You couldn’t help boasting of Strahd’s coming fall, to which Davian cautioned you not to underestimate him and warned that the devil Strahd would not be happy about this turn of events. But you found it hard to contain your good moods. Zane boasted that nothing you would do from now on would make Strahd happy, and Viktor reinforced that. Even Xarann joined in the feistiness, saying that Strahd obviously likes a bit of sport, and that you were ready to test his abilities on the field of battle.

When Davian reiterated that the Ravenkind were at your service, Zane asked if it would be possible to summon flocks or ravens for the coming fights. Davian agreed that was possible, though not in the 12-24 second life or death window Zane hoped for - but with some warning, it was entirely possible. With this good news, Zane started considering a matching eyepatch for his raven.

Somehow, during the lively banter, the old debate about the relative merit of the lowly kobold was once again raised, Zane enthusiastically defending Stormwatch’s position on the matter, while Davian was more want to take pity, comparing them to the unfortunate mongrelfolk at Krezk. At which point Bannor quickly changed the subject and bid the Martikov’s farewell, and you started the journey back to Vallaki.

On the road back, Garn wanted to remind everyone the dark burden he carries is a great power. One of the paths he had seen in front of him was Argynvostholt, and that path is closed now - everything you had done had fulfilled that destiny. What is itching at the back of his undead skull is that one part of Madam Eva’s prophecy is still missing. Laying in state in Vallaki, awaiting revival - the Vistana woman from the Abbey.

Viktor agreed, but said he wanted the Morninglord to raise her, not the Dark Powers that Garn held, though he granted that should the Morninglord choose not to deliver his blessing then Garn should attempt his own ritual. Zane jumped in to remind everyone of their promise to Kasimir - though he questioned the possible incestuous nature of that promise - to which Bannor reminded him that he carried his own burden, and would honour the promise if he could.

A warm welcome awaited at the gates of Vallaki, the guards standing to proud attention at being the first to greet you. Your guard recruit Danya almost squealed with excitement when she saw the hooded Garn, calling out her pleasure at seeing him return and her strong desire for more lessons to help strengthen the Vallaki defences. Garn remained hooded, but responded inspirationally, tell her how he would indeed teach more, but also saying how she and her fellows had all the training they need to defend with honour and strength, thanks to the new powers he had shown them. Danya beamed with delight.

On the way to the Church of St. Andral, she told you that for the last few nights - since the beacon had been lit - wolves had started to gather around the village during the night hours, howling and pacing around the defensive palisade. Despite this ominous news, you noted the people in the streets were markedly more lively - even those with dulled eyes seemed to move with more (slow) purpose.

Lucian and Ireena waited for you on the steps of the Church, Ireena all eyes for Zane while Lucian nodded to Viktor, congratulating you all on the lighting of Argynvostholt’s beacon. He turned to lead you inside, when Garn threw back his cowl and drew and lit the Sunsword. Ireena gasped, and Lucian crossed himself with the sign of the Morninglord. Danya held her hand to her mouth in shock.

“What has happened to you?” asked Ireena. “And to me!”, Zandeyr enthusiastically added in infernal, bilious smoke rising from his mouth as he spoke.

Viktor quickly explained that you had had to make some difficult choices that had resulted in these changes, but that underneath Garn and Zandeyr were still the same good people.

“And where…where did you get that sword?”, Lucian spluttered.

Garn brandished the sword and said you had retrieved it from Vladimir Horngaard, all the better to defeat the Devil Strahd.

“Help you it might, but that is a cursed weapon, and no good will come to those who wield it”, Lucian warned.

This news was unwelcome. “Cursed?” Garn denied it strenuously, claiming the holy light it shone was proof enough of it’s true purpose. Lucian stared at him hard, but stepped aside so you could enter - which you all did with no problems, despite a few tentative steps at the threshold from Bannor, Zandeyr, and Garn.

Inside the debate over the sword got heated quickly. Garn reiterated his knowledge of the sword’s history, to which Lucian countered that it was the sword itself that had told him that story. Viktor acknowledged this point, and asked Lucian to explain what he know.

“I know only of the legend and stories of the blade, but those stories tell of how it was wielded by Strahd himself. And that he used it to kill his own brother, Sergei von Zarovich, centuries ago. That act cursed the blade - though some say it was already cursed and merely encouraged Strahd to perform his unforgivable act.”

Garn regarded Lucian, and the blade, before shaking his head. “I will use this sword to burn Strahd’s soul to dust. If it means I am further cursed then let it be so - that is what is necessary to save this land. Whereas you merely hide away here in the safety of your Church.”

Lucian replied, “As I have said before, my place is not…”

Zane interrupted hotly. “Look at the price we have paid! Look! Look at his eyes, at his skeletal hands, at his cursed appearance. We are here to help, we are sacrificing ourselves for you, and it’s not going to get better before it gets a lot worse. If the sword consumes his soul, he is damned but he is willing. We are prepared to give everything.”

Ireena appealed to Zane, “We know you speak true, and we can see it in your sacrifices. Lucian is not a bad man, none of us are, we merely have our own roles to play, as you do yours.”

Zane snapped back. “Play them at your peril. It is not enough to sit here and wait. These three are dying for people they do not know. This guys,” he said pointing to Garn, “I hate him! He tries to steal all my kills and glory, but he is going to die for you. For your people. And yet you question us at every turn!”

Ireena looked wounded at the harshness of her lover’s words. “What has happened to you that you would change so quickly?”

“This land has happened”, Viktor cut in, but before he could go on Garn interrupted again. “Huddle in your Church, give in to your fears. We will do it for you.”

“Thanks to your cowardly way, the old Garn is gone and he’s not coming back” Zane accused.

Lucian stood up wearily. “Please. Enough. Be at peace, we will bring you anything you need.” And we walked away toward his rooms.

Viktor glared at his son. “Show some goddam respect. Pull your head in and start thinking about what you’re saying before you open that mouth.” He hurried after Lucian, with Xarann and Garn following slowly behind.

Bannor meanwhile had disappeared, taking himself off to the Blue Water Inn for the stiffest drinks they had to offer. Zane glanced briefly at Ireena, before following Bannor. Ireena stared after him, downcast.

Viktor apologised to Lucian and Ireena. He showed them the Icon of Ravenkind, and Lucian agreed that this was an item of good powers - albeit not the Morninglord. He said the Ravenfolk were some of the few powers for good in Barovia, and you had done well to win them to your cause.

Ireena repeated her question - what had happened in four days to change things dramatically, especially given you seemed to have accomplished much.

Vitkor spoke wearily, and he spoke for all of you. “It has been a trying couple of days, despite retrieving the Icon and Sword.

“Baba Lysaga is dead, and the beacon lit, but it is none-the-less true that every day here for someone who wasn’t born here is a great trial. Just waking up and getting on our feet is a trial. It is truly terrible. If you are used to it, you can’t know what it’s like every day to wake and find yourself still here. We pay for that every day.

When you look at Garn or Bannor or Zandeyr or my son…”, he paused sadly, considering all that Zane had seen, “…you have had issue with all of us - except maybe Xarann. The reason no other group of people have done what we have is because they weren’t prepared, or weren’t made of the same steel. We are, but the cost is great.

“We cope however we can. Garn has his conviction, Bannor drink, Zane his bottomless bravado, me with doing what i can do to keep us together, trying to keep us sane and healthy, and bring the Morninglord’s light to the land.

“It would be so easy to join in, to lie down, to give in to grim fate, and resign ourselves to this accursed land. But we. will. not.”

Lucian replied. “You speak with great passion, and you should know that we understand. This is a dark land, and even we who are more awake to that than most are still trapped. I am here to tend my flock. Ireena is here to lead. Zane is here to destroy.”

Viktor nodded sadly. “We just want to live, to leave, to return to our homes. But we want to leave light behind.”

In the tavern, Bannor and Zane were reunited with the wolf hunters, Szoldar and Yevgeni, who were quick to explain that Ireena had excused them after dusk and that they weren’t drinking to excess. Bannor laughed and invited them to join he and Zane, and the brothers discussed the good work Ireena had done to life the town, and the impact of the beacon.

They were however worried about the nightly visits from the wolf pack - as seasoned hunters of the lupine, they had never seen so many gathered in one place and obviously acting with some dark intent. Zane, after some drinking, asked to see this pack, and he was taken to the Northern watch post. As he approached the cries and howling became obvious, and he watched the circling wolves with interest. While they didn’t seem to be trying to enter they township, they did occasionally leap at the gates and climb over themselves.

Zane shrugged - as long as they were out there and he was in here, he could keep drinking. He told the guards to summon he and Bannor if anything changed, and assured them a bolt of magic flame would make short work of the ‘dogs’ if they caused any trouble.

Viktor asked Lucian to show him the Vistana woman, and explained his plan to resurrect her. Garn offered his assistance - and his power - but Viktor reiterated this should be the work of the Morninglord. Not having ever tested this spiritual boundary, Viktor was nervous, but determined. He donned his clerical robes and went to work, assisted by Xarann and Garn, while Zandeyr hovered in the background taking notes and asking questions that weren’t answered.

The ritual took close to an hour, and Viktor found himself entering some kind of spiritual trance as it progressed. As he reached the culmination he could feel the power of the Morninglord working through his chants and prayers, the light transferring slowly but surely into the dead woman. In the final ecstatic moment he laid his hands on her chest and spoke the sacred words.

For a beat nothing happened. And then the Vistana heaved in a desperate lungful of air. She lived.

Viktor dropped to his knees, exhausted but exultant, and thanked his god. The woman started to breath more regularly, as everyone present looked on in wonder. That this could be done was proof enough that your hope of redemption for this land was not misplaced.

She slowly sat up, revealing an intricate wooden lower right leg, and looked around the room. “Where am I?”

“You are in the Church of St. Andral in Vallaki, which may not be what you expected”, Lucian told her gently.

“Vallaki? How? And what happened to me?”

Viktor climbed to his feet. “We have returned you from your death. You were killed in Krezk and we have brought you back.”

“Killed!?” She looked shocked, but recovered quickly. “In Krezk. Damn it. It was the Abbot, curse him! And you have raised me again - why?”

“A Vistana seer called Madam Eva foretold that you would be the once to help us with our goal in this land - to destroy Strahd and all he stands for.”

“Eva! Ha. I might have guessed. And Strahd’s end is your game? It is a fine intent, I’ll grant you. But I should let you know that I shall be the one doing the killing.” She smiled. “Well I owe you my life, that is clear. My name is Ezmerelda d’Avenir, and I am at your service.”

A Vistana woman in red cloak, dark hair, a wooden lower right leg, holding a rapier and axe

Ezmerelda d’Avenir

Garn introduced himself and approached her, but before he could get too close she stopped him. “No. Look at you - something is wrong here. You’re in the church - that is a good sign. Still - who has a steel blade?”

Xarann tossed her a dagger, which she deftly caught and spun to face Garn. “Give me your hand.” He did, tentatively, and she immediately pricked a finger with the tip of the blade. “Blood - you’re fine.” She repeated this for Xarann, who also passed her test, but when Zandeyr’s cut oozed the black tar-like blood she perked up. “Something is wrong with this one!”, she said to Viktor, “though he’s no werewolf.”

Viktor explained the strangeness, again and very briefly, and while you all latched onto the casual ‘werewolf’ comment you didn’t pursue it. Garn approached again, and this time she let him cast his spell - which instantly made her feel much recovered.

“Thank you again. You are a strange lot but you obviously know what you’re doing. Now - I will join this fight. But I need my weapons and equipment. How soon can we return to my wagon? It is stationed outside Van Richten’s Tower - do you know it?”

Viktor stared at her for a moment in dismay, then slowly walked toward her hands raised. Quick as a flash she grabbed on hand to test it - clear.

“Ah that was your wagon, was it?”

Was my wagon?”

“We have unfortunate news. It was…destroyed”

“Destroyed. My wagon. Destroyed. How?”

“I think you can guess”



“YOU DESTROYED MY WAGON?”. She started cursing under her breath, before pulling herself together. “Well. I said I owed you. Now we are even - that was quick. I’d like to meet the clumsy oaf who set it off. In the meantime - I need weapons. And three stakes. And can either of you religious men make holy water? We need plenty”

Garn volunteered that he could, and would, and asked what weaponry she was seeking.

“Rapiers. A short sword. Hand axe. Sling. Darts. Hand crossbow, though they are hard to find. Daggers. A garotte? Maybe some…”

Zane was in his cups, walking that fine line between clever and stupid, and Bannor had merely kept drinking (to no noticeable effect), when a guard came rushing inside the Inn. “The wolves”, he panted, “they’ve changed!”

Bannor sighed, and asked in what way. “They’ve started gathering around the gates, not circling, just leaping at the gates!”.

This sounded slightly more serious than expected. Bannor and Zane got up and headed out the door, Zane leaving to go to the West gate near the Church, Bannor to the North, and the wolf hunters were sent to the East.

At the North gate, Bannor could see what the guard had warned of. Fifty or more of the beasts were jumping and crashing into the gates, climbing over each other to reach higher. It still didn’t look like they could get in - nor were they acting with high intelligence - but it was a change. Bannor told the guards to procure pitch, and explained how setting the wolves alight would soon stop this attack. The guards rushed away, grateful for the decisive leadership.

Zane arrived at the Church and rushed inside to warn the group. He stopped short seeing Ezmerelda, then nodded hello - and tossed her his old rapier. You moved outside to gather on the palisade guard house and watched the crazed beasts beating at the gates. As you watched a chilling coldness suddenly descended on the village. From the borders of the surrounding woods you could see a thick fog starting to roll toward the town.

Bannor saw the same thing and immediately begun sprinting back to the Church, yelling to everyone he passed to get inside and bolt the doors. As he passed the Church he shoved Ireena inside, before climbing onto the rooftops and heading toward the town walls.

On the palisade, everyone peered into the edges of the advancing fog with dread. And emerging from it’s thick embrace you found what you feared: Strahd atop his nightmarish mount.

Strahd sits atop a jet black horse with flaming hooves

He walked his horse slowly toward the boundaries of Vallaki, coming to a stop about 100 feet away. Beside him was Rahadin and four deathly pale humanoids dressed in exquisite courtly finery - Zane was impressed despite his unease. The creatures - three women and a man - looked very self assured even at this distance. Behind Strahd followed a lumbering group of gangly armed creatures with pallid flesh - you guessed around 20 of them.

Strahd's entourage, three pale women and a man dressed in courtly finery

Strahd’s entourage

There was a moment of stillness, then Strahd snapped his fingers. The gates below you suddenly shattered open, the huge wooden bots destroyed. The wolf pack howled with fury and burst through onto the streets of Vallaki. You could hear the same thing from the other gates, as cries of terror rose in the throats of the guards and stray citizens.

Xarann spun around and faced down the street, drawing the Amber Temple staff from his waist and summoning it’s power. A frozen cone of frigid air shot out from it’s tip and enveloped the pack of rabid wolves - who were stopped in their tracks and turned into frozen statues mid attack. Zane and Zandeyr let off a few (rather futile in comparison) bolts into the few surviving beasts.

Suddenly the remaining wolves stopped and lay down. The rest of the town fell silent too. You spun to face Strahd, who looked intently toward you.

“I asked you to visit me when you were done playing. It seems you are”, he said calmly, indicating Argynvost’s light in the sky above. “This…light…that you have created. Most unexpected. I suppose I should thank you - surprises are not something that happen here, to me, to my land. And yet I don’t feel gratitude. I feel…anger? Anger at the slaughter of my mongrelfolk. At the burning of the ancient Gulthias tree. And now at the death of old mother Baba Lysaga.

You show no respect. You meddle too much, dare too much, and presume too much.” He dismounted and stood watching you.

On the battlements you waited. Zandeyr quietly ripped a patch of his cloak and threw it in the entrance passage. A large pit instantly appeared, blocking the ingress-way completely. Bannor slipped over the palisade and into the fog surrounding the village.

“Where is Ireena? You know all too well that she is mine. I am the land, and I will have her. You will bring her to me”, Strahd said calmly. “Let me show you why.”

His vampiric consort smirked and stepped aside. A woman stood in the space revealed, with head hung low and in dishevelled clothing. She walked slowly forward to stand beside Strahd. He put his hand under her chin and raised her head to face you.

It was Thomasin.

A red headed young woman with pale skin

Thomasin Kurrsk

Viktor and Zane froze. It was her. There was no question. Your wife. Your mother. Thomasin. For a moment she seemed to look at each of you, pleading, and your hearts almost exploded out of your chests, but then the spell was broken by the Devil’s words.

Strahd looked directly at Viktor. “She is no Ireena, but she will do, for now.”

And he grabbed a handful of her hair, pulled her head to the side, and sunk his teeth deep into her pale exposed neck.

Session played: 18 May, 2020