After such triumph,
Only despair,
A young man’s duel,
Faded into thin air.

An innocent murdered,
For reasons weak,
Her killer assassinated,
His secrets to keep.

Her father awaits,
News of her fate,
To him will you venture?
Or further adventure?

The one thing that’s certain,
Is that nothing is certain,
When you pull back the curtain,
In fair Barovia!

Leaving Rictavio, you headed back to the Blue Water Inn, where you found the villagers in continued good spirits after Zane’s triumph. Drinks and meals were on the house, and you also had a good chat to the barkeep and Inn owner Urwin Martikov.

You quizzed him as to who might have a motive to see Arabelle killed, but he could think of no-one in who’s interest it would be to anger the Vistani. He did promise to ‘talk to the ravens’ for help, something that raised your eyebrows and that you noted down for further investigation — who exactly talks to ravens?

He also mentioned that the Inn’s supply of wine had dried up, as the expected delivery from The Wizard of Wines was running extremely late — any help in sorting that out would be appreciated.

Having put it off long enough, the time had come to confront the Vistani with news of the grim fate of Arabelle. You left the safety of the town gates to venture to the encampment to the South-West. The woods parted to reveal an expansive clearing, with a circle of the distinctive barrel topped Vistani wagons perched atop a grass covered hill.

Around the foot of the hill were several low houses, with elegantly carved woodwork. As you approached the nearest house, you drew the attention of three slim figures standing at casual guard. They greeted you, and immediately turned their attention to Xarann, who was also surprised to see that these guards were dark-skinned elves like himself. They invited Xarann to talk to their leader, Kasimir Velikov, though you deferred that invitation until after the Vistani were dealt with.

You moved to the top of the hill and the large open tent that stood in the centre. There were many sleeping and dozing Vistani around the tent, and empty bottles and casks of wine. A few of the wagons had small clusters of sitting Vistani gambling on dice.

From inside the tent you heard the crack of a whip and a cry of pain. Stepping inside you found two large men standing in front of a youth strapped to the central pole, streaked with blood. “Where is she you worthless sack!” cried the smaller of the two men, before unleashing another whip crack. Six other figures watched from the smoke filled darkness. “Easy, Luvash,” the larger man said, holding a cautioning hand out.

Tough Vistani leaders

Luvash & Arrigal

Viktor called out to get the leaders' attention, and they turned toward you. With little ceremony, the news of Arabelle’s demise was delivered, leading the whip wielder (who was clearly half drunk) to fall to his knees with a cry of anguish.

The other man — who you deduced was Arrigal — thanked you gruffly for the news. When he found out you had also killed Bluto, the alleged killer, an anger grew in his eyes and voice. He was most displeased that justice had been administered by someone other than his brother. He also found it impossible to believe that Bluto, who was known to them as a hopeless drunken simpleton, could have had the wherewithal to kidnap Arabelle.

His fury growing, Arrigal called the other men and women in the tent to him, and declared that it was time for the Vistani to dish out justice of their own. Sensing that this could lead to some terrible bloodshed, Viktor demanded they stop, and to leave the investigation to you.

This, again, was not received well. Arrigal argued that this was not your business, this was about family, and you would to well to step away. Viktor stuck to his guns, and suddenly weapons were being drawn.

Zandeyr cast a barrier of thorns behind the Vistani that prevented them from leaving the tent, and you all had your weapons out and ready before the Vistani could even unsheathe theirs. A tense stand off: you had them, but they had numbers and you knew leaving the hill unharmed would be very unlikely.

A furious argument followed, with both sides realising there was little to be gained from armed conflict. Eventually Arrigal agreed to give you eight hours to uncover who really took Arabelle. And if you failed, then the Vistani were free to do what they would.

But before anything, they were going to collect their lost daughter.

The two groups left the camp, tensions still high. The Vistani retrieved the body from Father Lucian, and you set about trying to work out what had happened.

The townsfolk and Urwin were of little help, confirming that Bluto was a simple drunkard who slept where he could and did little else but fish and drink away the proceedings.

Eventually you revisited his abandoned dinghy. You noted the strewn wine bottles, including a half empty bottle of ‘Purple Grapemash No.3’. Searching harder, you uncovered a small doll hidden under the gunwale. It didn’t bear the mark of Blinsky toys, nor was it creepy in the Barovian fashion. In fact it seemed more like something that came from outside of Barovia — somewhere only the Vistani would be free to go.

Returning to the Inn, you questioned Urwin again, asking about the wine. He said it was merely the cheap stuff, and that Bluto having it wasn’t unusual despite the shortage of wine. Under further questioning about possible motives, the only rivalry he could offer was that between the Baron and Lady Wachter, but again he couldn’t see the sense in angering the Vistani.

Having reached something of a dead end, and feeling that Bluto probably had acted alone, you made your way back to the camp. On the way up the path, you were met by Lady Watcher and her cowled followers coming the other way. The Lady called out her congratulations and thanks for Zane’s exploits, and invited you to visit her on your return, believing you may have interests in common.

You arrived back at the encampment to the sound of mournful dirges from the main tent, and waited respectfully until Arrigal came out to meet you. He seemed calmer now, and clearly deeply saddened. He listened as you relayed what you had — and had not — found, and you could see his emotions shaken as you handed over the simple doll, which he confirmed was Arrabelle’s.

No commitments were made, but you sensed something had changed in Arrigal’s attitude — hot blooded revenge was no longer on the menu.

You left the wake and went to talk to the elf leader, Kasimir. He welcomed you into his hovel, a spartan but comfortable abode. After some discussion in elvish with Xarann, he welcomed you and told you his sorry tale.

His people were Dusk Elves, unknown beyond the boundaries of Barovia. In centuries past, Strahd had destroyed all the female Dusk Elves, leaving the race to slowly fade into extinction

A stern Dusk Elf wih platinum hair and piercing blue eyes

Kasimir Velikov

Strahd abducted the sole surviving female, Kasimir’s sister Patrina. And Kasimir was now haunted by dreams where Patrina talked to him, begging for his help and yearning to be free from Strahd’s grasp. Kasimir is certain that if he can find her, and save her, the Dusk Elves might have a future after all.

He says that the key to breaking Strahd and freeing Barovia from the curse lay in a place called The Amber Temple. Patrina has told him as much in his dreams, and he is determined to go there and find that which will bring Patrina back to him and his people.

He claimed that the Temple was a deadly place, and that only a group like yours stood any chance there. He had been spying on the Temple for many years, and begged for your help in accompanying him there to uncover its secrets. You agreed to consider his request, and return to him in due course if it seemed the Temple would help your cause.

Finally you returned to Vallaki, exhausted from the emotional impact of everything that had come to pass. But before you could rest, you decided Lady Wachter needed to be dealt with one way or the other.

You found her mansion on the Northern road, a slouching house that almost seemed sullen and groaned as it resettled on its supports. Before you could lift the knocker, the door sprang open, and a dapper figure bowed before you.

“Welcome travellers. My name is Ernst Larnak, and Lady Wachter is expecting you.” Warily, you stepped inside…

A large tent on a hilltop, surrounded by wagons and Elven hovels

Vistani Camp map. Buy from Mike Schley here

Session played: 20 May 2019