In fair Barovia our tale begins,
Where sunlight drips and moonlight rattles,
And darkness embraces ponds all a-glimmer.
Where red eyed birds flock to trees like judges,
And silence follows all those that stray.

But listen now!
Is that the howl of wolves?
Or is it the song of those that dwell,
Amongst the hills and ruins and hovels,
Waiting for the visitors still?

At the weakening of the day,
Someone calls you by your names.
Your first thought: it lies with every word,
And speaks with voice that should not be heard.

But no! It calls, and speaks, and charms,
It knows your fears and loves and qualms,
And offers you this one true chance,
To join it in this gloaming dance.

Come one, come all!
Without delay – for is it not a glorious day?
And one which is so soon to fade.
So pack your trinkets,
And your charms,
Your prayers,
And curses,
And thoughts of home.
And come, come now, come soon, come quick,
To fair Barovia!

Curse of Strahd is a heavily gothic themed adventure, so feel free to create characters to suit. Doesn’t mean they have to be black clad doomsayers — it’s just as valid to create a Buffy as it is Blade.

You’re all from the village of Parnast, a small secluded community on the boundary of the Greypeak Mountains. It’s been a year since the Cult of the Dragon was defeated and expelled from the village, which is now struggling to find its feet again as a trade hub on the Black Road east.

How long you’ve been there is up to you (born, bred, newly arrived?). You can be best friends, family, lovers, or merely fellow citizens. Work out the flaws and bonds of the relationships you have with some or all of the others. You should all be at least acquainted, as it’s not a huge town.

Each of you should create a motivation for why you might venture into a place most would avoid. Could be you’re haunted, have visions, are supernaturally inspired, deep compassion or deep envy, have a death wish, seek repentance or revenge, have a morbid fascination with…, are all innocence or all corruption, pursuing dreams or escaping nightmares, dark secrets or hidden desire. Something good, something bad, just make it keenly felt.

Any role/race is fine. It’s worth dipping into Xanathar’s Guide to Everything if you have a copy as there are some interesting new subclasses (Monster Slayer Ranger, Grave Domain Cleric, Shadow Magic Sorcerer, etc) and Racial Feats.

See you in Barovia!