Viktor Kurrsk

A neatly-bearded middle-aged man

Viktor Kurrsk

Viktor Kurrsk, mid-40s, owner of Kurrsk’s Meat & Game, the town butcher.

He’s tall, muscular (hard), beard man, begin to grey in the beard and temples. Anyone who’s seen him washing up in the horse trough outside his butchery would have seen the four parallel lines of scar tissue across his chest.

Some of you may know, possibly through your parents, that until his wife disappeared suddenly one very misty night 15 years ago, he was a priest of the Morninglord.

He has a 20 year old son Aleksandr “Zane” Kurrsk who does not share his passion for butchery. He also has an apprentice butcher who helps him with the business.

During the occupation by the Cult, he took a pragmatic “let’s just live through this” attitude as much as possible, but wasn’t afraid to stand between Cultists and townsfolk – taking a bad beating on one occasion.

While the townsfolk have maintained the small church of the Morninglord at the edge of town as a shrine, there have been no formal services there in 15 years.

After the Cult left, Viktor lead the clean-up and restoration efforts for the church.

Meta: Human Cleric

Zane Dreamrider

A young face-painted highwayman

Zane Dreamrider

Who is this mysterious swordsman who has lately been seen about town?

His accent betrays his foreign birth but its exact origin is hard to pin down, shifting as it does.

It’s whispered that he’s a daring highwayman, living day to day, only one step ahead of the law (though the roads, of late, have been mercifully free from crime).

Others say that this is but a ruse and that he is, in fact, the Seventh Stormwatcher, operating in secret under the very nose of the Cult.

Rumour has it, this deadly mercenary will commit any deed, no matter how audacious, if you can afford his price. More level heads have observed that he does odd jobs around town for beer money and less generous souls have opined that by the way he comports himself in the tavern when travellers are in town, he clearly makes his living as a man whore.

No matter the truth, this black clad stranger can, from time to time, be seen about the town, weeding old Mr. Pym’s cauliflowers or chopping firewood for the widow Marple. Between such chores the daring fortune hunter can be found practicing his footwork atop the piggery fence or slaying the scarecrow in the field behind the butcher’s shop with his mother’s sword.

Despite his antics, the townsfolk tend to cut Aleksandr Kurrsk a bit of slack. An objective observer might conclude ‘too much slack’ but then it’s rumoured he’s not quite right in the head due to some unspecified trauma he incurred as a child.

In any case, one thing’s for sure; you ain’t never seen a cat as scared of dogs as this dashing man of mystery. Holy cow, that’s when you find out the kid can run.

“Yeah well and just so you know dad, I wear my doublet like this because that’s how they wear it in Waterdeep. God you’re so provincial! ”

“Sorry, sorry, I mean ‘just so you know Father’.”

“Yep, yep I know, Sorry.”

Meta: Two-weapon Human fighter…of renown


Dishevelled middle-aged man with thick beard


There is a always one in each town.

The local drunk, grifter, mean as but since everyone always has some dirty work that normal people would steer clear of, he is able to grind out an alcoholic haze of a living.

Not tall, not short – think if a piece of gristle became a man. Hair black as night and wears it long and greasy. Easy to smile but you don’t feel good when he does…

Not so much as a friend, more someone you would rather in front of you then behind, especially with those knives he carries.

But a man doesn’t get to 50 or however old he is without knowing a trick or two: need a still built, a bet paid, some trapping on the King’s land – then you see Bannor… but make sure you are loud about it. He is not a man to surprise.

Meta: Human Rogue — who won’t set off traps this time

Master Zandeyr Grawarith, Esq.

Older clean shaven man with piercing eyes

Zandeyr Grawarith

Scholars and the well-read or somewhat educated may have heard of him for his various works.

Author of: The Shroud and the Shard. A small semi-historical book about the Shroud of Souls which was a powerful artefact allegedly capable of calling the spirits of the dead. And the events around how Morlanth used the Shroud to recall the spirits of the Doomguides buried within the crypt as ghosts, shadows, and wraith, then brought it to the Shard of Night and how she attempted to use it to raise the spirits of the Neverwinter Nine as wraiths under her command and her demise.

The book is written from the point of analysis of historical records, and leaves out specific details such of the potential location or ownership of the Shroud, and excludes more recents accounts of the Shard.

Winner of the Candlekeep Archery tournament, two years running. Not a major achievement as Candlekeep is most renowned for its library filled with books and scrolls of knowledge and the scholars are not known for their martial prowess.

To gain entry to the halls of wisdom a visitor must gift the library collection with a new tome of immense value. This is what lead to the writing of his next book to gain entry.

Author of: Poisons of the Sword Coast Remedies and curatives for Nightviper venom, Numbfish jelly venom, Pauper’s poison, Saldruth’s viper, Slarkfish venom, Udderfish… Handy lifesaving recipes if applied quickly…

A common rumour that is retold in many taverns, is of how he helped solve the problem with Sleeping Dragon dark, a drink brewed by Thrun Samallahan at the Sleeping Dragon inn.

The drink was made from the local oats and barley and had a nutty flavour with a pleasant bite. The barely crop had become infected by a small fungus blight that turn the brew unpleasant, and how he found a way to cleanse it from local produce.

Author of: Faerûn Flora and Fauna, the unfinished and unpublished work. A handful of notes.

A self-taught, is well travelled, modestly financed, “Practical Metaphysical Naturalist”, he is a recluse who learned combat skills, tracking, and even a magical connection to nature through the necessity of surviving in the wilds.

He has only returned to the civilised realm due to a severe injury, when he was mauled by a wolf, whilst exploring the wilds of which he is the keeper.

Over last season he has been travelling between towns, staying at taverns and writing up his “notes”, as his leg heals. His sabbatical and recuperation has giving him time to review the dangers of solitary approach previously used to progress his studies. Perhaps it is time to seek out others to assist in him further exploration?

His current approach to “Practical Metaphysical Naturalism” holds that all properties related to consciousness and the mind are reducible to, or supervene upon, nature.

Broadly, the corresponding theological perspective is religious naturalism or spiritual naturalism. More specifically, metaphysical naturalism rejects the supernatural concepts and explanations that are part of many religions.

He is documenting his belief system “Practical Metaphysical Naturalism” as the only natural (as opposed to supernatural or spiritual) laws and forces should operate in the world. The “Practical” component requires the devout removal of unnatural “un-living” elements in the world. This may take time and a systematic careful and cautious approach.

He asserts that natural laws are the rules that govern the structure and behaviour of the natural universe, that the changing universe at every stage is a product of these laws, and all others systems should be removed from from the world for the betterment of the living.

Meta: A middle-aged, Wood Elf, Ranger; Monster Slayer, Favoured Enemy (Undead) of moderate renown for his writing.


Drow elf in shadows with glowing eyes


We’re all running from something — the cult, the war, ourselves, what we did, or didn’t do.

Xarann arrived in Parnast in the aftermath of the chaos and bloodshed of the war. A filthy drow. Seemingly should be one of the cult’s own, but was kept a prisoner by them until all escaped during the uprising.

With the heat of battle fading he’s now mostly despised, or feared, by the town — yet some swear they saw him that day, fighting against the cult.

A stranger in a strange land, Xarann was ready to keep running, until Viktor saw something else in him and took him under his wing.

Meta: Lawful Good Drow Sorcerer

Garn Felder

Sleeveless strong-man with a beard

Garn Felder

I led her to a hole, a deep black well. I said make a wish, Make sure and not tell.

Now close your eyes, babe,
and count to seven.
Know your papa loves you,
Good children go to heaven.
Know your papa loves you,
Good children go to heaven.

Everyone likes Garn. I mean, why wouldn’t you.

Since he arrived in Parnast things certainly seem to have turned for the better. It wasn’t just that we needed a new blacksmith, what with what happened to the last one. It’s that he seems to be the right fella for the job.

The only thing I can’t work out is why he hasn’t hooked up with any of those young ladies that seem to spend an inordinate amount of time hanging around the smithy (there’s only so many hooves need shoeing).

Sure, he’s not that young. There’s grey at his temples. But he’s hardly turning to fallow as he hits his middle age. The smithing obviously helps — there doesn’t appear to be an ounce of fat on him. And he’s handsome; more so that most of the homely saps in this town, anyways.

It’s not just the ladies, though. Garn gets on with everyone. Always got something nice to say. You know, got a pleasant turn of phrase at the ready. Nice fella. He must like what he does. It’s not as if he couldn’t turn his hand to a more social profession. You know, maybe even run for mayor of this backwater. Couldn’t do any worse.

Anyway, he’s made quite an impression since he turned up. Not too sure where he came from. I think someone said he’s related to someone in town. Was it that ne’er-do-well; you know, that drunken odd-jobber, Bannor? Not sure.

Come to think of it, I can’t say I know much about him. Much as he’s always asking after your well-being, how we’re doing, and “How’s that son of yours? He must be ready to swing a hammer by now?”, I don’t recall him ever saying much about himself.

No matter, I’m just glad he’s here.

Meta: Garn is a Human vengeance paladin, of early middle-age. A follower of Yutow the Peacebringer.